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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 626

In the midst of our conversation, there was an elephant in the room that didn't need to be explicitly addressed. Neil understood all too well.

The intricacies of relationships, the tangled web of who loves whom.

"So, because of your second chance at life, everything's changed, right? I didn't fall for Bonnie, Russel didn't fall for Bonnie, but instead, we both fell for you," Neil summed up. Saying it out loud felt awkward, but it was the truth.

I still found it hard to believe Neil would use the word "love" about me.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it. So, I wanted out of this mess, to live a different kind of life, but it's tough. Our worlds are too intertwined, and I haven't been able to cut ties with you completely," I replied with a wry smile. "But now, I've no secrets from you. It feels like my second chance truly begins at this moment."

Neil drove me home in silence. As we arrived, Ryan and Faith were anxiously waiting at our doorstep, eager to see their grandchildren. There was no way they'd leave without laying eyes on them.

Seeing us, Ryan and Faith hurried over. "Neil, Irene, how did your talk go?"

Their anxious faces made Neil nod, though he didn't provide a clear answer.

I spoke up, "Neil and I have cleared the air. He won't fight me for the kids' custody. Everything stays as is, but you're welcome to visit, just let me know ahead of time. The catch is, you can't reveal your true identities to the kids."

Ryan and Faith were taken aback by my words, but after a moment, Faith managed a smile. "Irene, we have no issues with the kids carrying the Finch surname, but could we possibly hear them call us 'grandma and grandpa'?"

This was their biggest wish. They had previously expressed a desire to acknowledge Serena and Brandon as their grandchildren, a wish I hadn't agreed to. Now, faced with their earnest plea, they were asking for a chance to be called 'grandma and grandpa,' without revealing their real identities to the children.

Facing Ryan and Faith's pleading eyes, I found it hard to refuse, as long as they agreed not to contest custody, I had achieved my goal.

"Okay, that's fine, but I have my conditions," I agreed.

"Anything!" Ryan exclaimed eagerly, without hesitation. "As long as we can see the kids and hear them call us 'grandma and grandpa,' we'll agree to anything!"

Faith nodded in agreement.

My condition related to Hiram. Given today's events, the Whitmores were entirely focused on Serena and Brandon, and with Karina temporarily detained for poisoning Hiram, it was clear Hiram would side with me in court, assuming we'd take him in, especially the Whitmores. He was still unaware of his real identity.

I hoped the Whitmores would temporarily take Hiram in until his custody was officially transferred to me.

Of course, I couldn't discuss such matters at my front door. Having agreed to let them meet the kids, I invited them inside. My parents were playing with Serena and Brandon and weren't pleased to see the Whitmores enter.


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