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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 629

The moment Neil brought up Dylan, Karina’s face soured like milk gone bad, and she suddenly seemed lost for words, guilty as a cat caught next to an empty birdcage.

A few question marks popped up in my mind. Could there be something between Dylan and Karina…?

“Enough, Neil,” Karina cut him off, her voice a mix of defiance and evasion. “Since you were already married to someone else back then, who I choose to be with is my business. I came back for you because I couldn’t let go, but believe me, my love for you is genuine. If I could have let you go, why would I put myself through all this?”

And yet, her version of love was laughable at best.

If she truly loved Neil, how could she ever think of using something as sacred as blood ties to deceive him?

Her love was twisted, to say the least.

“Fine, since you’ve somehow managed to get bailed out, we’ll settle this in court tomorrow,” Neil replied, his tone icy, signaling a finality, as if he had completely written off any emotional attachment to Karina.

Perhaps, learning that Hiram wasn’t his biological son was the last straw for Neil, coupled with the incriminating evidence he had gathered abroad, enough to make him loathe her.

I knew Neil well; he hated being played, especially over something this grave.

“Are you really going to take my Hiram away from me?” Karina’s eyes reddened, “Everyone says I’ve been terrible to him, but I was the one who raised him with these two hands. If I lose him too, I’ll have nothing left. You all know I can’t have children of my own.”

Just a moment ago, she was threatening to reveal Hiram’s true parentage to everyone, ready to ensure neither Neil nor I could have him. Yet now, she claimed she couldn’t bear to lose him…

Karina’s fickleness was astonishing.

I began to suspect she had some psychological issues.

“But you don’t deserve to keep him, Karina. You should see a therapist,” I finally said, certain that Hiram would only suffer more under her care, especially since he had lost his value to her and had publicly accused her, causing her considerable trouble.

My words enraged Karina. She glared at me venomously, "What right do you have to judge? Irene, if I've been harsh to Hiram, it's because you drove me to it. If you hadn't meddled, would I have done those things? Neil and I would have been married by now!”

“You’re still blaming me for your own faults. All I can say is, you’ve brought this on yourself,” I replied, losing all interest in continuing the conversation. It was clear, no matter how our talk went, she’d reveal Hiram’s parentage just to spite Neil and me.

As I was about to leave, Karina lunged at me so suddenly, even Neil couldn’t react in time. A sharp pain shot through my arm as a needle pierced through my clothing and skin.

“Are you insane?!” I gasped, staring down at the needle sticking out of my sleeve, its tip buried in my flesh.


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