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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 636

Russell had never opened up to me about his troubles, including the chilly atmosphere at home, the mess at his company, or even his injuries. It was as if those topics were sealed off, hidden away from our conversations.

Surprisingly, he listened to me whenever I intervened, like that time I urged him to stop the destructive rivalry with Neil. A few harsh words and a threat or two, and he complied.

Yet here I was, feeling slighted because he hadn't been around to show his concern for me, his care seemingly dimmed compared to the past.

After hearing Louis spill everything about Russell, my lips moved but no words came out. My heart was swamped with guilt and discomfort.

"He's abroad, waiting for surgery. Aren't you going to visit him?" Louis pressed.

"Where is he?" I managed to keep my voice steady, though it carried an edge of challenge.

Louis seemed only interested in delivering the news, not engaging in a lengthy discussion. "Why don't you just ask him yourself?"

With that, he hung up. I didn't call back. Instead, I hovered over Russell's contact, debating whether to reach out. His career as a surgeon was on the line, his hands crucial to his return. But dialing his number meant facing my guilt head-on, possibly agreeing to visit him and stirring up settled dust in our relationship.

I shared my dilemma with Stella and the others, seeking their advice.

Alicia was the first to respond: "He's in Ylandia. I've seen him."

Me: "How did you know? Are you there too?"

I was unaware Alicia had traveled to Ylandia, probably due to something involving Sean. But how did she and Russell cross paths?

Alicia called me, explaining she encountered Russell while Sean was receiving treatment at a hospital.

"He went alone, didn't want anyone with him, and he made me promise not to tell you," Alicia sighed. "Honestly, he's been nothing but good to you. We all think he's the best guy you've ever been with."

"If only we were compatible. I hope his surgery goes well," I replied after a pause.

"You're not planning to visit him?" Alicia sounded surprised.

Russell's injury was a direct result of his attempt to save me, potentially altering his career forever.


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