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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 643

At this moment, Stella's voice pierced through the chaos, "Rena, jump now! You can't wait any longer, the fire's spreading too fast, you'll get burnt!"

I knew she was right, as I already felt the searing pain on my back.

"For your kids, Serena and Brandon, what's there to fear?!" Stella shouted once more.

Thinking of Serena and Brandon made my heart ache. The fear of dying or ending up with severe injuries haunted me, as living with such disabilities felt worse than death itself.

In the midst of urging voices, battling the intense pain, I climbed over the balcony railing and leapt towards the makeshift safety net Neil and the others had spread out below.

Given the height and my weight, I knew catching me would be difficult, so I prepared myself for the worst, closing my eyes mid-jump, resigning to whatever fate awaited me.


Just as I jumped, an explosion erupted from the third floor, engulfing the balcony in flames.

Unfortunately, my judgment was off. While I could gauge the distance when throwing something by hand feel, judging my own fall was a different story. I missed the safety net, hurtling towards the ground instead.

Just when I thought it was the end for me, Neil's incredible reflexes kicked in. He dashed towards where I was falling, catching me, but not without consequence. A faint "crack" sound came from him upon impact.

"Neil, Rena!" Mitch rushed over in panic to check on us. I was sore all over but seemingly okay. However, Neil was in bad shape, his face deathly pale, sweat beading on his forehead.

A sinking feeling overwhelmed me. Ignoring my own condition, I immediately checked on Neil.

He tried to speak but lost consciousness before he could.

The firefighters were already working on putting out the fire, and the paramedics, arriving on the scene, rushed Neil to the hospital. I asked Stella to stay back with the servants and look after Serena and Brandon, while Mitch and I headed to the hospital.

Neil's condition was grave. He had taken a serious blow, and since he had thrown himself back first, his spine took the brunt of the impact.

Sitting outside the emergency room, I felt numb, realizing I was still in my pajamas. At that moment, all I could think about was Neil's condition. Facing life without him seemed unbearable.

Mitch was on the phone, notifying everyone about Neil's injury.

Faith was abroad, Ryan was in Springvale; it would take them time to arrive. Cooper was the first to reach us, his face etched with worry. After hearing what happened, he sat by me, waiting in tense silence.

Eventually, I remembered to inform my parents. My mom was shocked, "A fire? How did that happen? How's he doing?"


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