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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 682

Just as Neil was about to spill the beans about Karina, the rec room door burst open again, and this time, it was Faith who made her entrance.

She seemed to have a hunch about what Neil was about to divulge, so she immediately found a way to send Irene packing, “Irene, you’re just in time. Grandpa’s been asking for you upstairs. Why don’t you go check on him?”

Hearing that Ulysses was waiting, Irene didn’t think twice. It was the perfect excuse to clear the air with Ulysses. Otherwise, Neil would hold a grudge against her for life.

Once Irene was out of the picture, Faith wasted no time in warning Neil, “Did you spill anything to Irene about Karina? You better not have, or your father and I will disown you!”

Neil knew his family was fond of Irene, but he hadn’t expected them to go to such lengths.

Seeing Neil’s troubled expression, Faith pulled out a bank statement and laid it in front of him, “Look at this. I gave her forty million to break it off with you. She was in it for the money, Neil. I’m a woman too; I know how women think. I’m your mother. Would I steer you wrong?”

Neil was in disbelief. He scrutinized the document again and again before confronting his mother, “What does this prove? That she took the money?”

Faith knew he wouldn’t take her word for it, so she pulled out a video from a diner’s surveillance camera, positioned perfectly by her driver to capture Karina accepting the money.

Watching the footage, Neil saw the girl hesitantly take the card, and his face was a mix of shock and anger. He couldn’t believe Karina would choose money over him!

Just as he was about to dial her number for answers, Faith snapped at him, “Neil, have you lost your mind?!”

Faith’s rebuke seemed to snap Neil out of it. He slowly put his phone down, and she seized the moment to further persuade him, “You know how much Irene adores you. Isn’t she good enough for you? Besides, the future of Whitmore Co. is in your hands. Marrying someone who can’t bring anything to the table will only hold you back. Karina’s background is too humble. Do you get it?”

Harsh as it was, her words were rooted in pragmatism and reality.

Neil didn’t respond, and Faith left him with a parting shot about reconsidering his grandfather’s wishes before leaving.

Crushed under the weight of these pressures, Neil found it unbearable that Karina would take the forty million. His resolve to stand by her crumbled.

He secluded himself in the rec room for hours. When he finally emerged, Irene had already left, and whether she had cleared things up with his grandfather was the least of his concerns.

Since Karina was in it for the money, he wasn’t about to play the fool any longer. Aligning with the Finch family could indeed expand the Whitmore empire.

“Mom, Dad, I’ll marry Irene, but on one condition,” Neil declared emotionlessly, devoid of any warmth in his eyes.

Ryan and Faith were overjoyed and pressed him for details.

Neil demanded immediate control over Whitmore Co. Having worked there since graduation and shown exceptional talent, Ryan had suggested he wait a few more years before taking over.

Neil’s demand for immediate power took them by surprise, but given his capabilities and his status as the sole heir, Ryan couldn’t refuse. However, he stipulated that Neil must marry Irene before gaining full control.

“Fine,” Neil agreed without hesitation.


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