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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 99

"I ain't going over there this year; why don't you take Bonnie instead?" I casually tossed the opportunity over to Bonnie, with my hands tucked into my coat pockets. I believed she could use this chance.

Neil's forehead creased, creating a small mountain peak, and his eyes held a complex mixture of emotions. It was not quite outright displeasure, but a kind of restrained dissatisfaction.

"We're not getting a divorce. I'll take care of Bonnie's situation."

Honestly, upon hearing this, I felt like I was hallucinating. It sounded like he was choosing me over Bonnie. Wasn't that just nuts? He was just going to ditch his dream girl like that?

"Neil, quit pulling my leg. Don't give me empty promises. No, they can't even be considered promises." I calmly rejected him.

I turned to go inside, but Neil grabbed my arm.

"Let me try." He pleaded for the first time.

He'd never humbled himself like this, not even when he wanted a divorce in my previous life. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Could Neil really be in love with me? But there was no way he loved me more than Bonnie. If he had to give someone up, it would be me.

I figured Neil was probably under pressure from his family and wasn't ready to take on the world for Bonnie yet, so he wanted to keep using me to appease his family. That was the only plausible explanation I could think of.

"Don't bother; go home. My dad hasn't come back yet. If he sees you here when he does, it would be awkward." I maintained my rationality.

Speaking of the devil, my dad was just out dealing with some emergency. My mom was busy cooking and didn't know Neil was here. Upon seeing Neil, my dad's face darkened as if he had seen some ill omen. "What are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

"Hello, sir," Neil greeted politely.

"Don't call me that. I can't take it. You'll have a new father-in-law soon, so go call him that." my dad retorted without giving Neil any respect.

Fearing a scene, I quickly went over and took my dad's arm. "Dad, Mom needs help in the kitchen. You go, I'll handle this."

My dad had promised not to interfere in matters between Neil and me, so he reluctantly left.

"You've seen it. My family has a very bad impression of you, Neil. Even if we don't divorce right now, there won't be a happy ending. I've convinced my parents not to interfere in our affairs. You should go and explain things to your family." I told Neil calmly.

Neil looked at me heavily. "I don't plan on getting a divorce. What is there to explain?"

"How much longer do you plan on wasting my time?" I blurted out. "How can you be so cruel? Even if I agreed to marry you to please your grandfather and ease the pressure from your parents, you agreed to it too. You saw benefits in it. Why is it all my fault?"

Neil's eyes contained a sudden surge of emotion. "Irene, do you really not know what you've caused me to lose?"

I looked at him uncomprehendingly. "Freedom?"

Neil scoffed. "Bullshit freedom."

He had a point. He was just as nonchalant after marriage, showing no restraint despite being a married man. Freedom was simply a matter of desire for him. But beyond that, I really had no idea.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Faith. Despite the tension between Neil and me, Faith had always been on my side. It would be rude not to answer.


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