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Reclaiming What Was Meant to Be Mine novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I Feel Sorry for Your Son 

After Roslin left, Lucinda could not help but feel a surge of indignation, her chest heaving up and down. 

"What does she mean by this? Is she saying that I mistreat her?" 

"Mom, please don't blame her. She's just feeling upset at the moment. Once she calms down, everything will be fine." 

Lucinda gazed at her gentle and kind-hearted daughter as she found solace in her presence. However, she soon sensed the underlying sadness that Linda was desperately trying to hide. Lucinda was filled with empathy for her. "Don't worry, my dear. I'll provide you with some money. You can purchase whatever that brings you joy." 

Contrarily, Roslin departed from the villa and promptly headed straight to the city center with the aid of her driver. 

Standing amidst the towering skyscrapers, she gazed at the vast blue sky and beheld the colossal buildings. In the midst of it all, the people appeared incredibly diminutive, resembling tiny ants on the ground, insignificant in comparison. 

How long had it been since she last laid eyes on the sunlight outside? A year? Two years? Perhaps even longer? The Smith family had shackled her and traded her away to that wicked and depraved old man, all in pursuit of enough benefits to expand the Smith Group. 

With the money they gained through her, they arranged lavish properties for Linda and orchestrated a grand wedding. The entire family indulged in a world of opulence and extravagance. 

Meanwhile, Roslin had been trapped in a living hell and was devoid of any glimmer of hope. 

Basking in the sunlight, she squinted her eyes to feel the warm and tingling sensation as the sun's rays caressed her body. It let her felt so good. 


A young boy accidentally bumped into her, causing his ice cream to splatter all over her clothes. He then tumbled to the ground and started bursting into loud tears. 

The boy's mother rushed over and swiftly lifted him. Noticing a scrape on his arm, she angrily glared at Roslin. 

"What's wrong with you? Can't you pay attention to your surroundings? Are you blind? Look what you've done to my son. You've hurt him!" 

Roslin lowered her head to observe the ice cream stains on her shirt. She then glanced at her son, who was responsible for the mishap, and the mother, who lacked discernment. A somewhat sinister smile played on her lips. 


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