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It is 2:45 p.m. the next day, yet everyone is still soaked in the ambience of yesterday's terrible attack.

Taking a whiff of fresh air while feeling uneasy with my reality, I held my baby in my palms while beholding his cute face.

"When will all this be over, my son?" Is there any possibility of us living like every other wolf out there?

As much as I hate to admit it, I miss them so much. I miss your grandparents; they are not bad people; after all, you sure would love them when you grow up.

Swinging my two legs, I lifted up his cute, tender hands and kissed them; I can't wait but only wish he starts talking to me; my son is damn cute; yes, you heard me; his amber eyes leave mouth talking; everyone wishes to have an amber-eyed child; it is a rare color that only comes from a blood alpha's clan.

"Have you seen my sister? Have you seen my sister? A voice said repeatedly:

I had to ignore that voice; after all, I am alone here; not even my brother could come visit me, and even if he wanted to, my parents, especially my father, wouldn't allow him to come.

Suddenly, my baby raised her voice to cry. I felt like the weather was becoming a little bit cold for him. Without a second thought, I flung my long, curly hair off my shoulder. He is so fragile that I will always be very careful while carrying him. He is so tiny, I must say, and while I carried him in my hands, I made my way back to my ward.

"She is eighteen today; she is cute; she has greenish gray eyes with very long curly hair; please, have you seen her?" She gave birth here in the last 72 hours.

I stood still for a moment, trying to understand that voice. I could say it sounded familiar, but I don't know anyone in this city, and it hampered me abruptly.

He was actually facing the front with the head nurse, so I walked from behind him and walked past him without looking at his face, and I wouldn't dare do that in the presence of the head nurse, at least not after what Shila said about her.

Laying my cutie down in his cot, imagine a baby that was crying a while ago, just two to five steps away from where we were seated to this place he just slept. Most times I love to see him awake because that way I feel a lot better knowing that I have at least someone I matter to.

"Elina! Elina!"  That voice again shouted while running towards me.

Looking backward, he immediately hugged me, and I couldn't even look at his face. He kept lifting me up like a mother who has just seen her child after months.

"Where is he?" Where is my little brother or sister?

I was just taken aback by this whole drama, as I called it, and am still feeling like I am in one big crazy dream.

I rubbed my eyes severally while looking at my environment again to be sure I wasn't dreaming.

I couldn't contain the joy I felt right inside of me. He would be wondering why I haven't said a word to him. He kept on kissing my baby's head even as he was still sleeping.


Elina, I am so happy to see you. The house has been so boring without you. Honestly, everyone misses you so much."

"And dad?  Does he miss me too?

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