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Two weeks later

It has been two weeks now since my son and I left the hospital. We live in the downhill city, which is not far from the hospital. This place is quiet and peaceful even though one could barely see a half wolf. The house is an uncompleted building that was used by wolf hunters in the past before the werewolf community sent them all away and marked their territory. The body of the house is made of crafty, beautiful bamboo sticks. Its roof is made of blue trampoline sheets. There are no windows yet, but I was able to find aluminum sheets, which, to me, look great.

My little son Leo is growing so fast already; his presence in my life gives me hope; he is the essence of my existence.

It is 12:15 p.m. As usual, everywhere is calm and peaceful, but there was a noise. While I laid my baby down in his cot, I peered through my windows and saw a young boy. I could only see his back, but from his back, you could at least make a guess at what he could look like. From his back view, he had a curly black bob, his clothes were made of animal dried skin, he looked so peaceful, he should probably be in his 20s, and I could even perceive his strawberry-like perfume.

I love the scent a lot, and I kept sniffing around my room. This is actually the first time I am perceiving someone's aura. I used to be told that unless I shifted, I couldn't smell a thing.

I didn't want him to see me, so I quickly took my tiny face inside my room.

At exactly 7 p.m. in the evening,

"Tap, Tap, Tap."

Someone was knocking on my window, and with his bright light, I couldn't even see his face or imagine what it looked like. One thing I have noticed about myself since giving birth is that I get more fearless every passing day. I thought to myself, "If he dims his light, I may talk to him.

Finally, I pulled my voice out and asked, "Who is that? Can you reduce the brightness of your torch light, or better yet, turn it off? It is disturbing my freaky eyes, and I could barely see you." I said to him,

"Oh, sorry," he says to me while reducing the torch's brightness.

I opened my window a little,

Look, ma'am, you can't stay here. The man says to me, He was in a uniform. It looked like security guards were deployed to guard the corners of the three neighboring cities. His voice woke my son up, and he immediately put his head sideways.

"You can't stay here; this place is very dangerous; you and your baby could be devoured; it is very risky."

I laughed at him and shook my head in disagreement.

"I have been in the woods for two weeks now; nothing will happen to us."

"I have noticed this house since Tuesday, but never could I have imagined that someone could live in this place."

"You must be homeless!"

"Y'all really have nowhere to go?" No family?  He asked.

"The elder council of my pack kicked me out of pack territory."

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