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At exactly 8 a.m. in the city of valley hills

All had gathered at the central town hall, which was down in the north at a junction connecting the three different territories.

The city of Valley Hall is populated by only werewolves and wolves; there are about four packs. The shadow moon packs, the shadow packs,the wind winda packs, and the mysterious pack

All the Alphas, accompanied by their respective Omegas, from these territories have gathered to come up with a solution on how to trap and unmask this dreaded monster terrorizing the entire city.

"I welcome all of you that have gathered here today for us all to put our heads together in killing this dangerous monster in our city." Alpha Valeria says this while avoiding the gaze of Alpha Leo.

Alpha Valeria is the father of Elina, the future Luna of Shadow moon pack , who was stripped of her powers because she fell pregnant with a man who was not her mate. He is the Alpha of the shadow moon packs, and his pack is gifted with the ability to shift for the first time at the ages of 14 and 18 for males and females, respectively, contrary to other packs that experience their first shift only on nights of the full moon.

"We lost about 18 members of our pack the last time this monster invaded; please, we must do something about it," Alpha Leo screamed while standing.

Alpha Leo is a very powerful blood alpha and the greatest rival of the shadow moon packs. He uses his alpha position to suppress his subjects, and when Alpha Valeria intercepted him, he became his enemy. He barely spares any wolf from the shadow moon packs that cross his territory, and up until now, the two packs have been rivals.

"See who is talking—a terrorist like you," Alpha Valeria murmured.

"I suggest we deploy soldiers from other cities who would be at the gate entrances of all the territories." Alpha Lorinzo of the Wind Walker packs said

"It's a good idea, but may it be known too that all the territories were marked with our urine and scents yet this monster invaded; could it be that this monster is not a being?" alpha  Valeria said while holding his jaw with his hands.

"No, no, no! Alpha Leo continued to shout.

At this point, everyone is not surprised at his response; he is an alpha that doesn't have a conscience, he is selfish, and he is very authoritative.

He continued!

"I suggest that three to four of the gamma packs of the wind wolf be released to attack this beast since they are made for war."

Alpha Lorenzo stood up with a disappointed gesture, even though the alpha of that pack knows the consequences of doing that.

He lost count of his words, nodding his head in disagreement as he sat in his seat.

"Now I see how senseless and stupid you are. You mean the beast that was managed to cage? Are you waiting for when they could die so that they would be released? Alpha Leo said to him while he kept sighing.

The gamma Epsilon wolves are from the wind wolf packs; they have been locked in prison pack for five years now; they are werewolves made for war; they are very violet when rogue; usually, they only listen to the Alpha and Gamma when under their command; also, when under the wrong command, they can become dangerous hunting machines; they have purple eyes as well as long claws unlike the other were wolves. When they go rogue, their true nature comes out; they have no sense of humanity, and most times they don't ever transform back into their human selves.

It takes two powerful alphas to take them down.

"How could you even suggest this, Leo?" You want the entire community dead.

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