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Rise from Ashes: Her Epic Comeback novel Chapter 8

The moment Nicole opened her mouth, a swarm of eyes turned her way.

The sharpest of all was Julia's. Her eyes were filled with warning and disapproval. If it weren't for all the people present, Nicole imagined her Granny would have whacked her with her cane.

She swallowed hard, taking a step involuntarily. She accidentally stepped on her son's foot, causing him to burst into tears because of the pain.

Nicole, annoyed, gave him a slap, "What's with all the crying? You think this is a funeral?"

Six-year-old Brody complained between sobs, "Mom, you're terrible. You’re like a witch, and I don't like you anymore!"

Nicole was already in a foul mood, and her son crying in public made it worse. So, she gave him another slap.

The mother and son duo turned the living room into a chaotic scene.

Julia spoke with a stern expression, "Flavia, after you've signed the contract, come sit with me in the study."

Flavia nodded and signed her name on the contract. She then bent down to her son, "Louis, you have to take good care of your sister, Mommy will be back soon."

The tiny Louis smiled, "Don't worry, Mom."

Flavia had no reason not to trust him. Louis had become more and more responsible over the past two years. He always took care of Luna. When they were abroad, she had to juggle so much and couldn't handle everything.

Sometimes, while she was at work, Louis would take care of Luna at home. At only four years old, he had already learned how to be a big brother.

Flavia followed Julia into the study.

"Flavia, you've had it tough these past four years."

Julia took Flavia's hand, letting out a sigh.

"I always thought you ran away from home because you were angry. I never imagined that bastard Antonio Sanders had kept you locked up in a warehouse for eight whole months! Flavia, after the Sanders family declared you dead, your shares were transferred to your half-sister Mellisa. Now that you're alive and back, the Sanders family must return those shares all to you!"

Flavia snuggled up on her grandmother's lap. Her grandma still loved her as much as she did when she was a child. One of the reasons she brought Luna back home was to let her experience more love. She knew her grandma would love Luna just as much as she loved her.

She said softly, "Grandma, you're eighty-three. You shouldn't worry about certain things. What's mine, I'll fight for. Don't worry, I'm not that naive girl anymore. I'm going to seek justice for myself, and for my two innocent children...."

The images of her two babies, lying on the floor of the warehouse, their faces turned blue, surfaced in her mind again.

Chapter 8 1

Chapter 8 2


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