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Salute to the General novel Chapter 2502

The blade flashed in the air for a fleeting moment.

After a loud clang rang out, a crisp crack was heard.

Kenshun's katana had been chopped in half.

Despite breaking Kenshun's weapon, Nathan's blade arc slammed into the former's chest without losing any momentum, causing a long wound to split open in his chest.

Fortunately, Nathan wasn't looking to kill. Or else, Kenshun's body would have been sliced in half.

Nonetheless, the attack had left a scar that would never disappear.


After unleashing a single strike, Nathan retreated to his position and sheathed his sword.

Standing tall with his hands behind his back, he remarked, “You have lost.”

Lowering his gaze, Kenshun's eyes were filled with conflicting emotions as he looked at his broken katana and the blood oozing out of his chest wound.

He was cognizant that it was an honor to have the Chief Military Governor of Eurasia drawing the latter's sword.

Nevertheless, he also recognized the mercy Nathan had shown him. Otherwise, he would undoubtedly be a dead man.

In the blink of an eye, the genius warrior of Jetroina seemed to have aged as he was suddenly overwhelmed by despair.

He admitted in a hoarse voice, “I have lost.”

With that, he turned and left.

When his subordinates hurried over to support him, he pushed them aside and snapped, “We will withdraw!” “Yes!”

The Jetroinian delegation retreated quickly with Kenshun.

No matter how Max tried to persuade them against it, his pleas fell on deaf ears.

At that moment, the awkwardness in the atmosphere intensified.

Amongst the Nine-Nation Alliance, Ashuras, who represented Xyperia, had been dealt a decisive defeat.

Isaiah, the Volkian God of War, had not only been defeated but also taken hostage.

And now, the Jetroinian commander, Kenshun, had turned tail and fled with his men after losing his battle against Nathan.


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