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The Alpha Twins' Elusive Mate novel Chapter 10

Fiona comes awake with a gasp. She’s just had the strangest, most painful dream ever, and it's one that she would never want to experience ever again.

When she sits up on the bed, Harold’s watching her, a curious look on his face. How long has he been here? She vocalises her thought, and he gives her a small smile.

“I heard you making noises in your sleep, so I came to check up on you. You looked so sad. What were you dreaming about?” he asks, gently running his hand over her head. His eyes express so much emotions that she can’t stop her heart from beating wildly at his touch. She shouldn’t be feeling this way, but how is she supposed to stay away from someone who ahs done more good to her than harm? He’s saved her more than once now.

A mild throbbing in her back brings her back to the present, she she winces. Harold leans over to look at her wound, and he nods. “It’s seems to be healing up nicely. It was really deep, Fiona. And it’s distinctly a silver-inflicted wound. If Harry hadn’t brought you in here on time, you could have died.”

The rest of her mind blanks out at the sound of Harry’s name. So he’s the one who brought her here? She almost can’t believe it, but how come he keeps making it so hard for her to just forget about him? The questions pile up in her head, but she can’t answer them all, and she simply just pushes them away. She needs space and time to think, and she can’t do that when her body is battling with pain and she can’t think straight. She takes a deep breath and uses the little strength she has to get off the bed, but Harold stands up with her, holding her waist when she wobbles on her feet.

After giving him the dirtiest look she can muster, she slaps his hands away. “Don’t touch me, do you think that just because you cared for me you now have right to touch me as you wish?”

Harold’s face crumples at her words, but she won’t be deterred, pushes him in the chest, happy to watch him stumble and struggle to keep his footing.

“You lied to me for months, giving me false hope when there wasn’t at all. You made me believe things that weren’t true, and now you just expect me to close my eyes and just forget about all your wrongs, right? Well, I won’t. You treated me like a total fool, all of you.” Her chest is heaving now, and a thin line of sweat has formed on her fore head by the time she is done speaking. She can’t remember the last time she was this infuriated.

Fakiki comes to the surface, lulled from her sleep. Fiona sighs as she feels the presence fill her mind, comforting her with merely being awake. “Little one, your anger grows wild. Control it, or it will control you.”

“I have a right to be angry, Fakiki, this man—these brothers, thay have only been using me for their own selfish interests ever since I made the mistake of coming here. And now I almost died yesterday because someone has it out for me,” Fiona says in her head. All her frustration and confusion are coming to a head, and the only outlet they have to escape is the anger currently bubbling underneath her skin, the the tears rushing to escape her eyes.

Harold takes a step towards Fiona, looking as apologetic as he can, but it isn’t enough. Fiona steps away from him, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare, she tells him. Don’t you ever come close to me. I’m not a puppet that will just do whatever you want. Just leave me be. I’ve been through a lot because of this cursed pack!” she screams.

“Little one!” Fakiki chides. “This one is not to blame for what has happened. You cannot possibly blame him for his bond to you.”

“Yes, I can,” Fiona responds silently, looking up at Harold with eyes full of fury. “This pack is just as dangerous as my father said. I was stupid for ever thinking I could have formed an alliance with these savages, when all they have ever done to me is treat me like I’m something diseased, especially after I literally saved their fakeass Luna and almost died in the process.”

As she talks, something happens to her body. Her body grows, her clothes ripping apart to accomodate the new bulk. Harold watches in stunned silence as claws burst out of her feet and fingers, and fur stars to sprout along her face and body.

Chapter 10 - Fiona 1

Chapter 10 - Fiona 2

Chapter 10 - Fiona 3


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