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The Alpha Twins' Elusive Mate novel Chapter 8

Harold stalls, scratching the back of his neck and breathing out through his nose. I’ve never seen someone look so agitated over a question before.

“Tell me the truth. I don’t like being lied to.” I prod, taking a step back from him. I can’t believe that I didn’t catch the deceit sooner. He actually let me believe that he was Harry, not caring about what would happen if I ever found out.

“I’m Harry’s twin, Harold. And as you can see, we’re identical twins,” he finally says, sighing. It looks like each word he utters ahs the capability to hurt him, but he should have thought about that before taking me for a fool. I cross my arms as I stare him down. I won’t let this betrayal slide by so easily. I’ve already had my heart broken my Harry, I don’t need to add this to my list of problems.

“How come he never speaks about you?” I make sure my vice is cold as I speak. The angrier I sound the more seriously he’ll take me. I watch him squirm on his feet, and for someone so powerful, the suight is an almst humorous one.

“I . . . had or rather, suffer from a rare condition. Because off , I couldn't grow together with Harry and had to be kept somewhere else. If I’d stayed, I’d have been crowned Alpha instead of him, as the firstborn." His voice sounds so genuine, so honest, but he won’t be getting off so easily. I prod him further.

‘What condition?” I ask, looking up at him. With every moment, I realise how easy it will be for him to just pick me up and break me into pieces. I’m not tall, and I’m not built either. In fact, out of all my family members, I’m the shortest because everyone else is huge. Maybe that’s why I’m not so bothered by him. Besides, he hasn’t tried to harm me and has even taken care of me before, but I don’t want to trust him too easily or he might think I’m menntally weak and unable to keep grudges.

He sighs, looking down at his feet. “My wolf sometimes gets manic attacks that are really bad, because my soul wasn’t tethered well to him, or so my family was told by the Moon Priest. Because of that, sometimes my wolf will act out without thoughts or a conscience of its own, and when that happens, I have no control over myself. Coupled with the fact that my wolf was already sentient and active right from my birth.”

A ball of guilt goes down my throat as I listen to his story. My great-grandmother was a Moon Priestess of her own generation, and she’s told me about things like this before. This is the first time I’ve met someone with such an affliction though. I’m not even sure if my healing blood could cure such a deep-rooted ailment, because it’s not a physical problem. Rather, it’s tied to his sould and spirirt.

“So, because of that, you were forced to stay in hiding even when it wasn’t your fault that you were born that way?” My heart boils when I think about the injustice he suffered. He probably wasn’t allowed to play or have fun like a normal child simply because he was born unfortunate.

He gives an unsure nod, hesitating for a while before going on with the act. From his body language, I can tell that he doesn’t have much experience answering such questions concerning his childhood. I’m sure that it isn’t everyday that he’s bombarded with such peesonal questions. I don’t want to as well, but the more I know, the less darkness I’m in. knowing these things is also a way to keep myself safe. I don’t even want to know how far he would have let me go with him while thinking that he was his brother, Harry.

Chapter 8 - Fiona 1

Chapter 8 - Fiona 2

Chapter 8 - Fiona 3


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