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The Alpha Twins' Elusive Mate novel Chapter 6


I come to a stop beside a large whistling tree, chest heaving and pumping in and out from all my running.

Transformation isn't supposed to be painful, but since I haven't transformed in quite a while to keep my identity hidden, it elicits a little scream out of me. My bones shift and crack, and my muscle mass readjusts to suit my new form. The full moon above watches me, quiet and bright.

I'm almost at the border separating my pack and Harry's pack, but everytime I take a step forward, my wolf whines in disappointment. She has caught the scent of something that is now keeping her bound to this place. Deep inside me I hope it isn't some random dude I don't know.

I'm sure my scent is all over the place by now, and if my mate hasn't already caught onto it by now, he definitely will in less than a few minutes. I hope deep within my heart that Harry discovers that he has been played for a fool and comes to find me, because from everything that has happened, he has to know who I am to him.

How could he have been so blind?

One moment he's all nice and caring to me, then the next, he's the opposite.

Pain shoots through my body one last time as my transformation completes. I am now a wolf-human hybrid, the perfect cross between agility and intelligence. In this form, I'm not limited to just wolf perks, but I still retain most of my human perks as well.

I take a whiff of the air, letting it wash all around me, in less than a few seconds, I catch the smell of another wolf approaching. But this one isn't—

"Raargh!" Alice roars as she bursts into the clearing where I stand, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl. "You insolent bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance." She lunges for me before she finishes talking, but I manage to move out of the way just in time.

As she misses me, I grab her by the neck, thoroughly enjoying the flow of energy through my body as I pull her back and fling her into a nearby tree. She screams as her body connects with the bark of a tree before falling to the floor.

I wait with a bated breath, watching her get up to her feet. "You don't know who you're dealing with. Go back to where you came from and just leave me be!" I tell her, growling for effect.

I scrape my claws against one another, letting the shrill sound pass through the forest. It isn't a far cry from nails on a chalkboard. I'm able to tune the sound out, but Alice is still in her human form, so the sound irritates her, and she covers her ears with her hands.

She looks up, her face expressing her anger and discomfort. She curses under her breath, but I try not to think about the words that she utters.

I take a step forward, only to be intercepted by a cloud of dust and sand. Alice has played dirty. I bring my arm up to cover my eyes, and it helps a little, but all that dirt destabilises my senses, giving Alice an opening.

A one almost fatal to me.

Sharp pain erupts in my belly, and I'm screaming before my mind even registers it. It hurts so much, and I can already smell my flesh burning.

Chapter 6 - Fiona 1

Chapter 6 - Fiona 2


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