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The Alpha Twins' Elusive Mate novel Chapter 9

Alice seethes, waiting behind the bushes. Her senses are weak, but she knows that Fiona will head back her way, and when she does, she will end up in a whole world of pain. How dare she talk to Harry?

She always knew that she had eyes for the Alpha—every breathing single woman in the Veratis pack had eyes for him, but he belonged to her, he always had, and those women were smart enough to know that he would never in a million years end up with them, and they respected that fact. But how could a lowlife like that girl just worm her way into their pack and try to snatch him away as well?

No, this settles it. Fiona has to die. She can’t be allowed to take another breath because as long as she lives, she will be a pain in the ass. Besides, once she is dead, the connection that Harry thinks he feels towards her will disappear, and he will be in the palm of her hands once again.

Yes, it sounds like a good plan.

She crouches lower behind bushes, knowing that her chance is near and she would have only one shot. If she misses, then all will be lost. She tears a strip of cloth from her nightdress, and uses it to cover half of her face. As a halfling, her scent is more pungent than that of the average werewolf, which is why it was imperative that she somehow got Fiona’s blood in her system to mask it better. Her father’s bloodline messed her up, making it difficult to fully integrate into the werewolf society of the Veratis Pack. From a young age, she knew that she was different, and would have to work twice as hard to fit in. which was why she immediately took the chance when she saw Harry by the riverbank when they were children. She’d seen a girl pull him to the riverbank while he was unconscious, and then quietly slip away into the woods beyond.

It was Alice’s fault that he fell into the river in the first place, but she couldn’t swim, and could do nothing but watch him slip and hit his head on a rock, losing consciousness instantly. If the girl with the mark on her head hadn’t come to save Harry, she was sure that he would have died.

And so, she made the best use of the situation. When Harry awoke moments later, and saw her worriedly gazing down at him, it probably messed up with his memory. He didn’t know who Alice was before then, but once Alice came up with the lie that it was she who had saved him, he became indebted to her. But now, her hold over him was slipping, all because of that girl.

The marked girl, Fiona herself.

Summoned back to the present by footfalls, Alice readies herself, holding on to the same silver knife that she used previously. If this doesn’t work, she’ll be in deep shit, but she has to try, no matter the cost. The benefits will far outweigh the consequences.

True to her ears, Fiona appears a little distance away, emerging from the woods beyond. She’s walking quickly, as though trying to escape from someone or something. Her mouth moves in quiet mutterings, her short bobbed hair bobbing defiantly in the wind. A small wind picks up, parting her fringe and revealing the totem on her forehead as she strides forward.

Alice waits for her moment, even going to the extent of holding her breath just to ensure that she gives nothing away.

When Fiona walks right past her without even the slightest awareness, she tightens her fingers around the handle of the silver dagger in her hand, and leaps out of the shrubs.

Chapter 9 1

Chapter 9 2


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