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The Alpha's Exclusive Stripper novel Chapter 3

‘I’LL BE coming for you soon, butterfly. Wait for me. I will get you out of that hellhole. I’m now preparing the cage I’ll put you in. Remember this. I’m the only one who can touch you, hold you, and kiss you because you are mine, Audrey. Until then, be a good girl, butterfly, if you don’t want me to punish you.’

He was back. Anxiety crept into my chest after I read the latest love letter from a man whose face I hadn’t even seen yet. I started receiving them two years ago. I couldn’t remember how many times I had to switch apartments because of the stalker.

Twice a week, he would send me letters along with dead birds inside a cage. I knew it was his way of warning me, of telling me I would end up like the bird if I would let another man touch me.

He stopped sending letters half a year ago after I finally told Spencer about it. He even assigned a driver slash bodyguard to pick me up and send me home to ensure my safety. And when we thought we succeeded in scaring the stalker, I stopped asking for the guard’s help.

I thought I was safe. But then this happened.

Back then, the letters would follow me everywhere. From my dressing room to my apartment. They were always at my doorstep as if he was just so close to me, hiding and watching from the shadows, but tonight, the letter was inside my bag which was odd and to think that this door was locked when I arrived.

After being hailed as the club’s star dancer, I was given a solo dressing room. Spencer assured me that only I had the key to this room.

It turned out he was wrong. This just proved that whoever he was, he had access anywhere, even in the east wing of this club which was strictly for the dancers. There goes another reason why I needed to get out of here. The sooner, the better.

The stalker’s return and the crown prince’s arrival were making my knees weak.

But I must not show it. I took a deep breath and crumpled the letter. I wanted to toss it to the nearest garbage bin since that was where it belonged but I had to keep this one as evidence in the future because for the first time, the letter was hand-written.

I quickly changed into pants, sweaters, and sneakers before I stormed out of the dressing room and out of the club through the back door. Ten minutes before one in the morning and I found myself walking alone in the alleyway.

Normally, there would be security guards who would hail cabs for us. For some reason, tonight, there was none. I clutched the taser in my bag and continued walking as fast as I could but a few minutes later, I felt someone walking behind me.

All the hair on my nape rose. It was an alpha; I was sure of that. I could hear the sound his wolf was making. When I turned left, he followed me and even when I changed directions, I could still feel his terrifying presence behind me. I could still hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

My stomach lurched. Was he the stalker?

It was a cold, windy morning but sweat still dripped down my forehead. My free hand kept dialing Spencer’s number but he wasn’t answering the phone. It was the first time this happened.

“Pick up the phone, Spencer. Please!” I muttered underneath my breath.

His phone was usually stuck to him like glue. And then all of a sudden, I heard the stranger’s laugh. It echoed in the alleyway.

He was biding his time. I could see his shadow. He was a big man. He could have grabbed me already but he was obviously enjoying the chase like a predator to his prey.

My body shook with anger and helplessness. It had been a long time since I last felt something like this. I was so focused on running and on typing something on the phone that it was too late when I realized I bumped into something hard and solid. The impact was so strong that my phone slipped from my hand.

Strong, powerful arms surrounded my waist when I was about to fall on the ground. Slowly, I looked up. My heart started beating like a drum when I met Trevor Rodrigo’s discerning eyes.

I glanced behind me. The alpha who was chasing me was now gone. But another problem arose in the form of this six-foot two inch man in front of me.

My hands went to Trevor’s chest to push him away but I didn’t succeed. My hands were trembling and under the light post, I was sure he noticed that.

A scowl crossed his face before he finally released me.

What happened earlier reminded me of old times. I fought back the tears.

Trevor lifted my chin to meet my gaze. “What happened?”

I shook my head. I had a feeling that things would only get more complicated if he were to know. “Thank you for helping me a while ago, Alpha. Now, please excuse me. I have to go.”

Chapter 3 1


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