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The Alpha's Exclusive Stripper novel Chapter 6

‘CATCH that bitch! Don’t you ever come back until you find her!’

I woke up panting. It was that dream again. Even in my dreams, I was running and they were haunting me. Reminding me that even in my dreams, I couldn’t do a damn thing to change my destiny.

How could I? It was already written in my unlucky stars.

I winced when the mark on my upper back hurt. It was a brand, a proof of who and what I was. It was the mark that sealed my fate. It may not be visible to other people now because of Spencer but I could still feel it burning in my skin. I could still remember how my lower lip bled to stop myself from screaming when they ruthlessly carved that mark on me with two betas holding my arms as if I could still flee in that hellish place. I remember how that vicious mark impaled me until I couldn’t move for days.

It had been years but the pain did not fade away.

There were still days, especially when the weather got cold, that the mark would sting as if it was taunting me, telling me that I could never completely escape from the world I had tried to run away from, that I should abandon any thoughts of living a normal life because it would never happen.

Not to me.

Not to omegas, at least.

They said that the moon goddess was fair and merciful. But I had never felt her mercy. Not even once. In fact, many times over the past years, all I could feel was her cruelty. And I knew how she loved playing favorites. They were the lunas. The betas. Especially her beloved alphas. They were her only children.

And the omegas? We were the cursed ones. It was like she casted a curse on all of us since the day we were born. No matter what the omegas do, we could never break the curse.

If she didn’t want us in this world, then why create people like us in the first place? It was like she was so dedicated to giving us a hard time. We did not beg for this life. When I was still in the villa, I know that many of us would gladly return the life she had given us.

I reached out for my necklace while scanning the room I was in. I only started to breathe calmly when I felt the familiar coldness of the pendant in my fingertips. It was still intact which meant that I was still safe.

The background of the room was white. Judging from the beige couch, the machines on one corner, the bed I was lying on, and the smell, I was in a hospital.

But I don’t get it. What was I doing here?

Still disoriented, I glanced at the digital clock on the table. It was five in the morning.

And then one by one, flashes of memories from last night until this morning suddenly hit my head like a huge tidal wave.

The stalker’s return. The crown prince’s arrival. My aunt’s condition. And then the fury in Trevor’s eyes as he looked at me through the mirror before he let out the words, ‘I found her.’

I knew those words were directed to me. That fury in his eyes? I had already seen it in his uncle’s eyes, in the man they now called the Alpha King.

My fear returned in full force.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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