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The Alpha's Exclusive Stripper novel Chapter 4

“ARE you still feeling cold?” Trevor asked.

I shook my head and replied, “N-not anymore.”

Trevor’s eyes darkened. “Don’t you have something to say to me?”

Like what? I swallowed hard. He didn’t catch on yet, did he? I forced my head to think of something, anything that would help me get through the night. “I thought you had an important meeting? Why did you come back, alpha?”

“There is something that belongs to me here that I forgot to mark as mine. That’s why there are pests who still foolishly chase after it.”

“What about your meeting with the King?”

“To hell with the meeting. Aren’t you going to ask what that ‘something’ is?”

I cleared my throat and despite my fear, I replied, “You weren’t referring to a person, were you? I mean people, especially humans, can’t be owned. They can’t be simply marked as anyone else’s property without their knowledge. Or else, that would be… very cruel.”

Trevor dragged his hand down to my nape, sending waves and waves of foreign sensations to my body. “Cruel?”

He sounded as if that word didn’t exist in his vocabulary until tonight.

“Yes. All the men who visit Oblivion think like that, like they could have me or any woman there so easily just because we happen to work there. I know that what we do isn’t really viewed as a respectable job. But we are there not to have fun. We are there to work and make a living. If they are genuine about wanting to have us, they need to make an effort.”

When Trevor didn’t respond and just continued staring at me as if he was reading through my soul, I softly added, “But if you are referring to just anything, I sincerely hope you get that, whatever it is, alpha. If it’s worth it, then don’t let the pests break it.” I tried to laugh off the tension that I suddenly felt. “I’m sorry for blabbering.”

Thankfully, the man called Todd had safely and quickly brought us in front of K building. Dean opened the door to my side. I politely smiled at him. Trevor finally lowered his hand and I almost let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for bringing me home, alpha,” I said as I stepped out of the car in a hurry.

“Wait,” Trevor said before I could leave. He followed me out and brought out a calling card from his wallet. “Take this. If you find yourself in another trouble, call me. Unlike your boss, I would show up right away. Wherever you are. Whatever the time is.”

Both Dean and Todd gasped as if it was the first time this was happening.

“I'm thankful but... why are you doing this?”

He stepped closer to me. “It’s as you said, Priscilla. I’m making an effort.”

I accepted the card and kept my smile on, hoping and desperately praying that I would never need it. Owing something to Trevor would never be good. He would never do anything for free.

He would certainly demand for a payment. And it could be more than what I could afford. He was still a Rodrigo, after all. And Rodrigos never changed.

After thanking the alpha, I walked away, aware that he was still watching me. I could feel his burning gaze on my back. I only heard his car leave after I entered the building.

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2


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