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The Alpha's Phoenix Mate novel Chapter 1

"I am gonna catch you.." my six year old friend Kadu said while I giggled running away.

"No you can't catch me kadu." Three year old me said squeaking and running until he caught me and we both fell down on the grass giggling and laughing.

"See, I told you I would catch you." He laughed while I giggled trying to push him away but he caught both my hands.

"Kara." He said my name looking intently at me with his blue eyes sparkling,

"Yes kadu." I said looking at him also.

"I want to do this." He placed his lips on mine and after a second he pulled away while I looked at him.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"It's called a kiss, I saw my Mommy and Daddy doing it. I asked Mommy what it was and she told me it was a kiss."

"Okay," I said nodding my head, "But why did you kiss me?" I asked not understanding what it was all about.

"Because I like you."

"You like me?" I asked.

"Yes Kara I do."

" Okay since I like Rama too, should I also kiss her? Oh and Daddy and Mommy too." I grinned at him.

"No Kara." he said shaking his head, "you are only suppose to kiss me."

"But why?" I asked

"Because because because I like you and because you are my best friend so you should only kiss me, here," he said placing his finger on my lips.

"Okay kadu." I nodded my head.

"Come let's go play with others.." he got up and then helped me up. We both giggled, him holding my hand running over to our friends.

The scene changed and I saw four year old me sitting on the carpet in the living room playing with my dolls while my Mommy and Daddy sat on the couch watching TV. 

"Ding-dong." the door bell rung

"I will just go see." my Mommy said going over to open the door.

"Good morning aunt." I heard his voice and gasped.

 'He is here.' I squeaked getting up running to the door and sure enough my friend Kadu was there.

He lived in a different country all the way in America and only came to London once every year for a vacation with his family.

"Kadu.." I said squeaking and hugging him

"Hi Kara, I missed you.." he said hugging me back.

"Mommy.." I looked at my Mommy after kadu and I broke from the hug, "Can I go outside and play with kadu?" I asked giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"No Kaira it's cold outside." my Mommy said sternly

"But Mommy." I whined

"Please aunty we will stay inside the house and my Mommy and Daddy is also there." Kadu said also giving my Mommy the puppy dog eyes. She just chuckled.

"How can I resist this, okay you can go."

" Yay!!"  both me and Kadu squeaked and giggled running to his house.

"I bought you a gift." He said leading me towards his room 

"Really tell me what is it?" I asked excitement clear in my voice he just laughed as we both entered his room and there was a big box on the bed

"Is that the gift Kadu?" I asked happily

"Yes Kara go on open it.." I jumped on the bed riping off the wrapping paper. But the box wouldn't open.

"Here let me help." kadu said also jumping on the bed helping me open the box.

I gasped, a wide smile making my lips it's home.

"You got me a big dolly thank you so much Kadu.." I said jumping on him anf hugging him tightly.


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