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The Alpha's Phoenix Mate novel Chapter 3

*** Kaden P.O.V****

" Kaden wake up." My mum's voice boomed in my sleep. Gurr why can't she let me sleep. All I wanted was to just get some rest since it was my sixteenth birthday today and I shifted like a few hours ago.  But not in this house.-

" if you don't get your butt out of bed, I swear you will be sorry."

That's the thing about mum. Once she says something you have to follow and never disobey. That's the thing about being an ice queen and a luna. What you say goes.

I got up from bed and went to take a shower. After I was done I wore a pair of black jeans with a white T shirt and a black leather jacket.  Typical bad boy I know. But I wasn't a bad boy or my mama would kill me. That woman is so damn scary if you ask me

Even dad is scared of her. But don't tell him it's a secret. I heard mum screaming again and I ran down stairs.


" I am already here." I said out of breath.

" Good now eat your breakfast it's time to go to school." She said place a plate of pancakes and orange juice near me. Everyone had already gathered at the breakfast table. My sister Raima, my cousins Monica and Dean and also my aunt Rissa and uncle Liam and my dad too.

Both my dad and uncle Liam were alphas of our pack. I know one pack two alphas well yeah. You see it was originally two separate packs but after my grandparents from both my mom and dad's side died when I was four, My dad and uncle decided to emerge the packs and built one house in the middle, the alpha house.

" good morning Alphas Lunas." I heard James' voice. He was standing there bowing slightly with Cree his girlfriend, Alicia and Christopher and also Dean's girlfriend Sarah.

Christopher was going to be the future beta and James  the third in command. Among our group I was the only one with a girlfriend who lived far away and my 'gang' used to laugh at me but I didn't mind at all. What mattered and scared me the most was the fact that I was falling in love with her. What's gonna happen when I meet my mate, will Kaira and I be over? No the thought of her not being mine scared me

I quickly finished my breakfast and we got into our cars heading to school.

Oak tree high was were all our pack members used to go including other packs and some humans who lived here in baja.

We pulled up at the schools packing lot and all eyes were on us since I was the soon to be alpha I attracted alot of attention from girls but I never spared them a glance. Cheeky I know. But I already had a girl and I wasn't planning on cheating on her.

" Hey handsome." The queen bee of our school said walking towards me.

I simply ignored her and turned the other way leaving her standing there while the others laughed at her. Why does she even try her luck. I mumbled to myself while my wolf sneered in my head.

We entered the hallway and I quickly went to my locker.

I checked my schedule to find math as the first period. Gosh I hate math but I know it is necessary for my grades.

Yes I care about my grades and I want to be good in school. The bell rang signalling the start of class and I closed my locker.

I sat at the usual back sit with Christopher who I shared the class with.

Mr David Beckham can in.

" Good morning students today we are going to learn about calculus." Yep math is definitely boring.

I tried to concentrated but my thoughts went to Kaira how she was doing whether the money  my sister and I gave her has finished or not and whether she was going to school and all that. I wish there was something I can do to save her from her step mum. If I had my way I could have carried her from that house and brought her here to stay with me but she was a human and she wasn't my mate but she was my girlfriend and I felt a pull towards her. I hope she is okay

I saw everyone in class start getting up and I did the same carrying my bag over my shoulder heading  to home room.

Lunch came and we were sitted at our usual table.

All my friends were chatting and joking but I had zoned out on them.

" Hey yo man." James said.

" Huh. "

" What's wrong bro why are you so distant lately. Is it about Kaira?." My sister Raima asked.

I just stared at her blankly without uttering a word.

" I know you miss her bro but don't worry you will see her next year".

But that's the problem I have a feeling that I won't get to see her again and the thoughts are killing

*** kaira pov ***

I was staring at the food hungrily

'Was I going to eat this?'. I wondered.

The man from earlier apparently who is the new daddy was sitting at the head sit of the table while step mum I think I should find a shorter name for her, Sat on his left with Connie sitting next to her. The sit on his right was vacant and he motioned me to sit next to him. This is weird.!

" sit down dear." The man said and I did.

" eat."  he said placing a big plate of meat and Italian pasta in front of me.

I began eating enjoying the food. Which finished in less than five minutes.

Everyone was looking at me eat like a pig. Well don't blame me I haven't eaten for five days straight.

"Do you need more." The man asked and I simply shook my head in denial.


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