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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 108

“Oh no, not everything. I mean I had to fake emotions and interest but I never had to fake an orgasm. Gosh. The sex was mind-blowing. It has been ages and nothing still compares. Tell me something Felix, is it the same quality of sex that Cassie is getting?” She asked teasingly.

“Don’t you fucking say her name!” Felix bellowed. There was a moment of silence in the room. “Where’s Cassie?”

Hazel shrugged. “The last I saw of her she was choked unconscious. I don’t know what he did to her after that but he was pretty mad. She poured scalding hot water on him.”

“Please you have to tell Big Daddy not to hurt her.” Felix pleaded.

“Big Daddy?” She scoffed. “Oh, that’s right. You thought that idiot was the mastermind. I’ll admit that he was instrumental in the beginning. He was the closest person to Cassie that we knew so we used him to get information about her and her whore of a friend. But the moment we started talking about going through with the murder, he started to chicken out. Apparently, he is all talk and no action. Or rather, I should say was. If you’re that interested in his whereabouts, I suggest you check the deep freezer in his apartment. I could deal with him no longer wanting to be a part of all this but then the greedy fuck started to ask for triple what we paid him, so he had to die. He was supposed to torch Cassie’s house while Robert shot the other girl but plans changed and I was the one that torched your girlfriend’s place. It’s kinda poetic, isn’t it? Your former flame torches your current flame’s house. Of course, I was hoping that she’d be inside.”

“You’re a psychopath!” Felix spat.

“No. That would be your mother.” Hazel admitted. “Personally, I have nothing against Cassie. She seems like a nice girl but your mother was the one that wanted her to die in that fire. She wanted to break you. Apparently, you’re a whole lot easier to control when you’re emotionally vulnerable. When that failed, she’s the one that said it would be easier to just kill you and get the insurance because apparently, she’s still your next of kin. I mean really Felix. The thing is, if you and Cassie were just a little bit more attentive, you would have realized what was going on.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I’m glad you asked. For one, all of Tech Town's employees have a key card and an ID card. Have you ever wondered why? They basically perform the same function. Do you know who is in charge of making them or you’ve never bothered to find out?”

“My mother makes them,” Felix mumbled, the realization finally dawning on him. He remembered that when Cassie had gotten her key card and employee ID card, she had asked why they hadn’t been merged into one. He should have found out.

Chapter 108 1

Chapter 108 2

Chapter 108 3


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