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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 110

“X and O wasn’t the only thing Eliza taught me. She also taught me how to sneak out of the house without my parents finding out. Our best bet is the window. We’ll climb to the roof and then move to the front of the house. I parked my car at the front of the house. If they haven’t moved it, we’ll hop in and drive away.” Felix said. He didn’t want to think about what they would do if his car wasn’t where he had parked it. The road was far from the house and there was no way he and Cassie could make it out of the house without a car.

“I’m not going to be able to climb a roof like this,” Cassie said holding up her arms somberly. She had barely gathered enough strength to walk through the corridor. How was she supposed to manage all that activity?

Felix held her hand and led her towards the window. “I promised that I was going to get you out of here and I intend to keep my word.” He opened the window.

It had been ages since he had last snuck out through a window and the fact that it was dark outside was going to make it more difficult but he didn’t voice his concerns. Instead, he shimmed out of the window and waited for Cassie to do the same. They balanced on the narrow ledge, both of them thinking but not talking about all the ways their plan could go wrong. They started to inch their way across the ledge when Cassie’s foot slipped. Felix caught her by the arm just in time and managed to pull her up before she fell to her death but he couldn’t save her shoe which fell off her foot.

“What the fuck was that? Hey, what are you two doing over there?!” Luther’s enraged voice demanded. He and Bethany had been outside, both couples hidden from themselves by the cover of the night.

“Go! Go!” Felix ordered as he watched his mother and stepfather dash into the house. If they weren’t on the second floor of the building, he would have considered just jumping and sprinting to the car but a drop from the height was sure to result in a broken bone or two.

When they had successfully inched their way to the corner of the house, Felix helped Cassie up by steadying her head. She had just safely made her way to the roof of the mansion when two heads popped out of the window that they had just crawled out from.

“Get back here!” Robert demanded, practically frothing at the mouth. He started to shoot at them, the burns on his body making it hard for him to get a good shot.

“You can’t get them from this angle,” Hazel said. “Try another room. And hurry up before they escape!”

Once the shooting stopped, Felix started to pull himself up the roof, with Cassie futilely contributing by tugging at his arms. He was just pulling himself to the top of the roof when he felt a bullet pierce through his flesh.

“Felix you’re hurt,” Cassie said staring at his bloodied abdomen when he made it over.

He pressed a hand to his side. “That’s not important. We need to keep going. We need to make it to the car.”

They had barely made it halfway across the roof when they heard the distinct click of a gun behind them. Reflexively, Felix pushed Cassie behind him. They turned around to see Robert pointing a gun at them and Hazel still struggling to make her way up the roof.

“It’s the end of the line for the two of you,” Robert announced slowly walking toward them. “I kept saying that we should have just killed the two of you from the start. Now look at me. Look at what you’ve done to me you stupid whore! Take a good look at this face because that’s the last thing you’ll ever see. First I’m going to shoot your boyfriend so you can watch him bleed out in front of you and then I’m going to decide how I want you to die.” He aimed the gun at Felix’s chest and pulled the trigger but there was no gunshot.

Realizing his folly, Robert used the barrel of the gun to smack Felix across the face. In retaliation, Felix shoved him so hard that it sent him barreling off the roof. He waited for the sound that his body would make when it came in contact with the ground but it never came. He and Cassie leaned off the edge to see that Robert was hanging on to Hazel by holding on to her waist.

Chapter 110 1

Chapter 110 2


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