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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 112

“Not immediately. When the police and paramedics finally arrived, they saw Robert and thought that he was dead but he wasn’t at the moment. He just couldn’t move or speak. It was when they tried to bag him that they found out that he was still alive. By then, it was too late for him. His skull had cracked open, the bones in his legs were shattered and one of his lungs had collapsed. The doctors said that although it was a miracle that he hung onto life for about two hours after he fell, he was going to die no matter what they did. I’m told that his death was agonizingly slow.”

Dorothea nodded. “And what about the rest?”

“Hazel clung on the edge of the roof for as long as she could but after a while, she fell off too,” Cassie said. Even as Hazel had begged, cursed and cried, she had refused to leave Felix’s side to go over to help her. The police had to forcefully drag her away from Felix’s unmoving body when they arrived. “In her case, the only thing she sustained was a broken femur. Her bone was sticking out and I could hear her screams over the sirens. She’ll be lucky if she ever walks again. Bethany stole Felix’s car and tried to escape but police got to her before she made it to the airport. Luther had already given up and just waited on the front porch for them to take him away. The trial is next month but it’s not looking good for any of them.”

“Wow,” Dorothea said. “That’s a very touching tale. I really wish Felix was here so that I could hear his side of the story.”

Cassie sighed. “I wish he was here too. It’s been really hard without him and I think about him every day.”

“Cassie. Why are you making it sound as if I died? All I did was take a trip to New York to see Eliza. I haven’t even been gone for a week.” Felix said loosening his tie as he walked into the room.

“You’re back!” Cassie squealed, jumping off the couch and racing toward Felix to envelop him in a warm hug. “I thought you were coming back on the weekend.” With the twins back in school for a new term, the house and Tech Town were absolutely boring without Felix. Sure, she had Snowflake for company when the twins weren't at home, but she needed someone that could fully understand and answer her whenever she talked. She didn’t like to think of how much lonelier she would have been if she had actually lost Felix on the roof that night. He had come so close to death because of the blood loss that he had actually flat-lined. It was at her unbridled insistence that the EMTs continued to attend to him.

“That was the plan but I missed you too much so I took the first flight back home. And, Eliza kicked me out of her condo. Apparently, I was cramming her style too much.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’re back. And I can promise that I won’t kick you out because I love you too much.” Cassie declared, capturing her lips in his. She savored the taste of his lips, the movement of his tongue and the feeling of his body against hers. She only remembered that they weren’t the only ones in the room when she heard one of the cameramen clear their throat.

“Oh sorry,” Cassie said, turning to face them.

“Can you guys cut that part out?”

Chapter 112 1

Chapter 112 2


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