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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 294

Early the next day, Brittany woke up and found Isaac had already prepared breakfast.

Under his guidance, Joie enrolled in Imperial University without much fuss.

Brittany got a call from the renovation company, saying they needed to discuss something in person.

From the sounds of it, they were planning to jack up the price.

Isaac took the call, muttered a few words, and the other party agreed to stick to the original price.

After breakfast, Brittany was whisked off to the Dustin Group.

Mr. Carrol opened his office door to inform her, "Ms. Dustin, I've found some leads on the matter you asked me to look into, but not enough to confirm Ms. Russell's identity."

"Keep digging." Brittany knew it was a tall order, but she didn't expect results overnight.

After Mr. Carrol left, her secretary brought in an invitation.

It was an engagement invitation from Derek and Loraine.

The word on the street was that Katelin Bishop was against the marriage and wouldn't even meet with them.

The Field family was hell-bent on controlling Derek and took the opportunity to lay down a bunch of conditions, souring the mood more than once.

Luckily, Derek was head over heels for Loraine and agreed to all their demands.

Hannah also got the invite, but she wasn't having it and chucked it straight into the bin, "I don't want to go to this engagement party." She thought it was all just drama and would be a pain in the ass!

Brittany took the invitation, which surprised Hannah, "You're not actually thinking about going, are you?"

Given all the shit Loraine had pulled, attending her engagement party would be madness, wouldn't it?

"I'll ask Zakky what he thinks."

Brittany didn't want anything to do with Loraine, but she knew that Isaac and Derek were tight, so she might not be able to dodge this bullet.

"If you're going, take me with you. I won't let anyone fuck with you." Hannah spat, clearly pissed.

Brittany felt a bit helpless.

Hannah might have been younger than her, but she was always the protective one.


Derek's wedding was a big deal. In the end, even Katelin bent the knee for her only grandson, Derek.

The Field and Bishop families sat down for a meal together. The Fields kept complaining that their daughter was being wronged, nearly causing Katelin to pass out.

She knew exactly what kind of person Loraine was.


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