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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 466

Tears fell. Brittany's frail body was shaking.

"Bri, it's okay. You'll have kids in the future."

Hannah's eyes were full of tears, her voice hoarse. "Bri, don't be scared. I'm always here. Lionel and I will always be with you, Bri..."

Brittany clenched the sheets tightly. Her veins were pulsating frantically, bulging under her skin.

Fluid in the IV tube was flowing backward. Blood was staining the tube red.

Hannah hugged her tightly, trembling. "Bri, calm down. Your body can't handle this stress..."

Brittany lifted her head and said, "My baby..."

"Bri, it all happened so suddenly. We couldn't save the baby." Hannah choked up, "The Salters took him."

Everyone was focused on Brittany. Nathan had taken the baby right away.

Word was that it was a boy, and he was very handsome. But Brittany never even got to see him!

Brittany's eyes were filled with pain. Her breaths became more and more ragged, and her whole body was shaking. The IV tube was full of blood.

She seemed to have fallen into an abyss, her breathing ragged.

Lionel saw that something was wrong and immediately called for a doctor.

When they saw Brittany's condition, the doctors rushed over. Then they ushered the family out.

"Out! The patient needs urgent care."

The machine alarm went off. Hannah was pulled away. The Chester family was all standing outside. Tanya Chester was crying her eyes out, and Blake Chester looked extremely grim.

In the hospital room, the doctors' voices kept coming out.

"The patient is in critical condition; inject one milliliter of adrenaline now!"

"Prepare chest compression."

"Establish venous access!"


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