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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 116

Nathan’s POV

I’ve never felt so dejected in my whole life. She practically snatched my kids from my arms and ran the other way, going as fast as she could, trying to get them away from me. I’ve never been so confused in my whole life, I don’t know if I should go after her and try and stop her, I’m not even sure I can stop her because she is so fierce when it comes to the kids, she would never let me take them away from her especially now that she still thinks that I’m a ghost, besides, I do not want to send the wrong message to my kids, I don’t want them to see me as a bad person that is trying to hurt their mom. I watched her walking to the huge gate with her shoes that looks so bad that it was making her limp as she walked. The kids were trying to communicate with her, but she wasn’t listening to a word they were saying and it kinda hurt me because I don’t want them to be involved in this issue at all. It’s not their fault that we are going through such a bad breakup, they shouldn’t have to bear the consequences of our mistake. She stopped when she arrived at the gate and she beckoned to a security guard, asking him to come forward. She said something to him and he turned around and ran towards the lobby, running like his life depended on it. I felt angry when he walked right past me and went to whisper something to Avril. 

“What is wrong?” I asked her as she turned around to go inside. They are all ignoring me and it’s so fucking annoying.

“She needs my car, hers broke down a few miles from here.” She let out as she ran into a nearby office and fetched a car key.

“Are you just going to stand there and watch her leave in your car? What the hell is wrong with everyone today?

Can’t you see that she is not thinking straight, can’t you see that she is not in any condition to drive, do you want her to hurt herself and her kids as well, I mean my kids, no wait, I mean lie kids?” I stammered out a fucking lunatic. She scoffed at my words and handed the keys to some other girl that stood by the corner watching in shock.

“Wait, Avril. I don’t know this lady and I don’t trust her around Hillary or my kids. I’ll prefer it if you go with her instead.” I instructed firm, causing the two girls to glare at me furiously. The other girl, whose name I don’t even know, grabbed the keys from Avril,  took a few steps, and came to stand in front of me, glaring furiously at me, 

“I am the reason she is still alive to bear you those beautiful kids, so you have no right to come back from the dead and accuse anyone of anything. The fact remains that we were all here with her, we stood by her side when she needed us, and we loved and supported her when she was alone and lonely. What about you, Mr. Trent? Where the fuck were you when your stupid girlfriend tried to kill your wife and chased her out of her house and out of New York, where the fuck were you?” she spat out in my face before running out the door to catch up with Hillary. Damn, it hurts when someone hits me with the sad truth that I have refused to acknowledge all this while. It doesn’t matter what Hillary did while I was away, it doesn’t even matter that Ray had lied and deceived me just to stop me from going after her. What really matters is the fact that I wasn’t here when she needed me the most, I wasn’t here to protect her from my enemies and I wasn’t here to watch the swell of her stomach as she carried my kids, I wasn’t even here to watch them come out from their mom and cry out for the first time. I’ve missed a very important part of their lives and it’s so damn annoying. 

I stood there like a fucking moron and I watched as she got into a red Hyundai Verna and she drove to the gate to pick up Hillary and the kids. Hillary hesitated a little, it is obvious that she doesn’t want to be with anyone other than her kids, but she had no choice because the rude girl refused to back down. She got into the car and they drove off into the busy road, taking my kids further away from me. I stared at the spot where the red car had been and I was lost in my thought, thinking so hard about this whole situation but coming up with nothing. I have never been this clueless and frustrated in my entire life. For fucks sake, what the hell am I going to do about this issue. I acted like a complete jerk when I saw her with Lawrence, I should have gone after her when she left, I should have tried to explain everything to her. I let my emotions get the best of me, I got angry because she was making out with that bastard, I pushed out every other reasonable thought and I focused on my anger.

Deep in my heart, I knew that something wasn’t quite right in all of this, I should have at least tried to talk to her, but I didn’t do anything and now she wouldn’t even let me spend five minutes with my kids, she didn’t even let me get their names, they were just about to tell me their name when she came out of the elevator and snatched them from my arms. Why didn’t I listen to my guy, why did I believe all the lies that Ray has been feeding me all these years. I was too quick to judge and dismiss her as a gold-digging slut, If only I’d trusted her some more, I would have sent Brian over here a lot sooner and we wouldn’t be in this awful situation. 

“I’m so sorry Mr. Trent, it’s all my fault. Please forgive me and my brother.” Someone spoke out from behind me, snapping me out of my conflicting thoughts.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked him angrily, making it obvious that I was not in the mood for all this.

“My name is Miguel, Mr. Trent. I’m Miguel Hartford and I have been taking care of Mrs. Trent while you were away.” He responded calmly, making me groan in frustration. What is it with the Hartfords, why are they trying to make me pissed every minute, do they want me to push them away like my grandfather did?

“You Hartfords are the worst, you know that right?

I just heard your brother's side of the story, he just told me how he came up with these ridiculous plans to keep my wife and kids away from me, now it’s your turn, Miguel. I want to know everything that you did, I want to know why you are in Paris and how the fuck did you get here, I want to know everything  I mean everything that happened to her while I was away. Why does she think that I am an impostor and who the hell is that rude girl that left with my wife?” I asked him in a furious rage, taking a few steps closer to him, making him move backward until his back was touching the wall. He looks terrified, more terrified than his brother Raymond. If only he knows that his terror means nothing to me, I would still make them pay for what they have done. 

“Is this really you?” Avril asked behind me, making me turn in her direction.

“Yes Avi, it's really me.”

“Where the fuck have you been Nathan, why would you abandon her that way? Do you know what we had to go through because of you, Do you have any idea what Hillary had to suffer when you were away, she nearly died, Nate. She was hunted and chased like a fucking animal. She was so hurt and lonely yet she managed to pull through because she wanted to protect her children, your children. She waited for you all these years, praying and hoping that you would come back to her. All these years you stayed away, and now that Hilly has finally found someone to love her unconditionally, someone that loves her kids and treats them like his, now that she has finally agreed to open her heart to another man, it now that you decided to show up?

Well, too bad, Nate. You are too late. She doesn’t need you in her life anymore, and so do her children. She has moved on with her life so I’ll advise you to do the same because you are not needed here and you are certainly not welcomed in her life again. You can go back to living your life like you used to, just act like she doesn’t exist because I’ll make sure you don’t get another chance to hurt her again.” She told me fiercely, beckoning on the guards to throw me out. It’s funny to see how tough she has become over the years, she was always as timid as Hilly, but now she is ordering her guards to throw me out, the same way Hillary had dragged my kids from my arm. Everyone looks and acts so differently, it is so easy to see that they have all changed over the years. The guards took so steps forward, but one look from my boys had them running the other way in fear for their lives.


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