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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 118

Nathan’s POV

One week and two days…

That’s how long I’ve been in Paris. Hillary has refused to see my face or hear anything I have to say. She stays holed up in the house with her kids, our kids. I keep coming back to that apartment, every fucking day, but it’s all to no avail. If she is alone in the house, she won’t even open the door for me but if the others are there as well, they will grant me access into the living room, but Hillary will not be seen anywhere around the house, she locks herself in the room with the kids and she stays in there with them until I get tired of knocking on the door and leave the house. It’s getting more and more hilarious every fucking day. I mean, we aren’t kids, are we?

We should be able to settle our differences without acting like a bunch of teenagers, but she just doesn’t want to believe the truth that is staring her right in the face, she still doesn’t want to believe that I am alive, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. But she fails to realize that we have two beautiful kids together and these kids need their father whether she likes it or not. They don’t have to suffer for our mistakes, we don’t have to put them through this emotional distress, they don’t deserve it.

I’ve managed to secure my shares from Lawrence Delaney without having to pay a dime for it. He was more than happy to give them to me so I can leave him alone. My company needs me because we are still trying to crawl out of the deep pit that Travis plunged us into. My family also needs me in New York because it seems like I am the only one holding us together. I have so many responsibilities, but I can’t seem to abandon my wife and my kids in Paris, I can’t even imagine the possibility of leaving them here, it’s just unimaginable. I had to send Raymond back to New York to take care of my company, I know he messed up pretty bad, but the fact remains that he is the one man I trust not to betray me and try to steal my company. I would still have to deal with his dishonesty later on, but right now, I need him to handle my affairs while I stay here and try to reason with Hillary, even though she has made it pretty clear that she isn’t ready to reason with me or anyone else. As long as the topic of discussion is about me, Hillary doesn’t want to be a part of it. 

She has been acting like a fucking teenager, hiding like a child that was caught stealing cookies from the dining table. I’ve been so patient and understanding because I totally understand how difficult it must be for her, but she is not making it easier for me, for is. Two days ago, Miguel was home so he let me into the house. I sat outside her door all day pleading for her to listen to me, begging her to open the door, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I can’t imagine what my kids would be thinking about all this drama, I can’t even begin to imagine what they are feeling in there as she had kept them locked away for more than one week now, it’s just pure torture and I am so sick and tired of it all. Just yesterday, I stood outside the front door, standing under the heavy downpour, knocking and begging her to open the door. But she didn’t open it up, I got drenched by the rain, yet I stayed out there begging her to listen to me, but she didn’t. When I started feeling cold, I ran back to my car, going back to the hotel I lodged in, which happens to be Hillary’s hotel that she has decided to abandon because of me. Just before the car drove off from her house, I caught a glimpse of her from the window in the sitting room and I realized that she has been standing behind the door listening to me all this while, letting me get soaked by the heavy downpour. That was the last straw, I’m not letting her make a fool of me again, I’m not going to beg her anymore, this time she is going to listen to me, whether she likes it or not.

This morning, I woke up a bit late because of what I’m planning. I need the others to leave the house before I get there. I am going to have a conversation with her today, and she will have to listen to me. I got a call from one of my guards that the other girls have arrive at the hotel, I waited for Miguel to check in as well, then I went to the office and picked Avril up, taking her out of the hotel. She tried shrugging me off, but my hold on her was strong enough. I took her to my car, ignoring the comments and frowns from bystanders as I force her into the car and shut the door after her. 

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” she yelled furiously when I got in and shut the door.

“I’m taking you back home, I need you to stay with the kids while I have a conversation with their mom,” I responded.

“Well, you should have just asked me nicely to come with you instead of dragging me here like a fucking lunatic!” she scolded angrily.

“Yeah, you are right. I could do that, but I’m getting tired of asking nicely because it sucks. So forthwith, I’m taking what I want by force, I have no patience to cuddle or pamper anyone anymore.” I yelled back at her, making her eyes go wide in shock. 

“W… w… what do you mean Nate, are you going to stay Hilly as well?

Are you going to force her to have a conversation with you?

That is not right, she would hate you for it, she would never let you force her, she would never listen to you.” She told me firmly, making me chuckle at her conviction. Sometimes I wonder if she even wants Hillary to forgive me, it seems like she enjoys seeing us this way. But not anymore. This drama has gone on for far too long, it’s time to put it to an end. 

“Why don’t you just sit tight and watch how it plays out,” o told her with a smirk, ignoring her outbursts and meaningless comments. I guess she hasn’t noticed that there are more guards with me today, she must think that I am here to beg and plead once more, but I’ll give her a shocker today.

“Stay behind me always so you don’t get hurt,” I told her firmly before stepping down from the vehicle.

“Getting hurt? What the hell are you talking abo…” she could not finish her questions because there was a loud banging sound as my guards break down the front door and granted me entrance into the house. She gasped in shock and uttered several abusive words to me, but I paid no heed to her rambling as the guards ran up the stairs and did the same thing to the door of her bedroom. They opened it forcefully and I went in to demand that she talks to me, but to my greatest surprise, she wasn’t in there, the room was completely empty. I searched everything, but I couldn’t find Hillary and I couldn’t find my kids as well. The room looks so messed up and disorganized, it looks like she had left in a hurry.

“Where the hell is she!” I yelled in anger as I turned to glare dangerously at Avril, making her take a step backward in fear. 


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