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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 122

Hillary’s POV

Two months…

It’s been two months already, I’ve been waiting to wake up from this beautiful dream, I keep thinking that I would be woken by my friends or my kids and they would tell me that I have been dreaming all along. But I was wrong, it isn’t a dream, it’s all true. Nathan is back and he is here to stay. It took me a while to come to terms with this new life, I know I’ve always wanted him to come back to me, but I just wasn’t prepared to have him back. Then again, the way he had found me with another man had nearly driven me insane, I nearly destroyed our future because I thought he would never want me again. I blame myself for listening to my friends, I blamed my friends for pushing me so hard, and then I blamed him as well for being away for so long and for coming back when I was ready to move on with my life. Trust me, the blame was enough to go around, I was just too angry and sad, I could never have thought that Nathan would still want me back in his life. I had to convince my kids that a big bad monster was let loose in the city and that is why we had to run away. Gemma believed me so easily, she kept holding me right, trying to use me as a human shield for the monsters. But Gerald, that smart little boy, he never believed. Some part of him had always known that I was lying, he kept asking too many questions, trying to get me to tell him exactly what is going on. It’s so hard to believe that he is still a kid, he sure doesn’t act like one.

But I’m glad, we got through it all, I’m so glad that we were able to settle our differences and accept each other back, mistake and all. Watching him playing with the kids brings me so much joy and happiness, it’s like a dream come true, I never thought it would ever be possible and I’m so happy that I didn’t succeed in running away with my kids earlier on. I mean, what on earth was I thinking?

I would have deprived my kids of the chance to meet their father, I would have deprived myself of the chance to be with Nathan, a chance to be happy again. I would never have known about my family, I would never have met my father and my grandparents, and it would have been my fault because I’m so damn stupid. I’m so glad that I agreed to get back with him. A few days after we came back together, I finally summoned the courage to tell my kids that Nathan was their father. For the first time since I gave birth to these little angels, I saw their real happy smiles as they threw themselves into his arms, hugging him so right that it brought tears to my eyes. I guess they have always known that something was missing in their lives. A few years from now, I’m sure they would have thrown the question to me and asked me about their father. I guess Nathan just saved me the agony of having to lie to my kids or even telling them the painful truth that their father is no more. Good thing that he showed up right on time and now my kids are so happy, happier than they have ever been with Miguel or Lawrence. I guess it’s true when they said that a father's love can never be replaced.  I did not grow up with my parents, but I’m so glad that I got to meet them and experience what it feels like to have people out there who are looking out for you.

It was two weeks after we got back together when Nathan told me about the possibility that my father and grandparents were still alive. I laughed at his assumptions, it sounded so strange to me, I mean, what are the possibilities that I would have a family somewhere that loves me so much, a family that has been searching for me for so many years. I laughed hard when he mentioned it, I mean, it’s so farfetched, too hard to believe.

But it turned out to be true…

Yeah, I am the grandchild of Elsa and Connor, I am the heir to the Kingston and Connor’s empire. My father is the heir of the Wilson’s empire, he is the chairman of a multibillion empire and he has been searching for me all these years as well. Is safe to say that I am a wealthy heiress and I have a lovely family who cares about me. I doubted Nathan's words until he flew me to the Caribbean to see my family grandparents. I stood in shock as I looked at my grandmother, it felt like Deja Vu, as if I was starting at an older version of myself. My father burst into tears as he pulled me into his arms, telling me how I looked exactly like my mom and how he had missed me so much.

It was so hard to take in, the Trent's have wronged my family. Nathan’s grandfather had been the cause of all my problems, he kidnapped me just to spite my grandparents. It hurts to know that everything I’ve suffered all this year had been brought upon me by a jealous man who couldn’t win the heart of the woman he loved. If I wasn’t married to Nathan, and if he wasn’t the one that helped me reunite with my family, I would never have let this go unpunished. I would have fought the Trent's with everything I have and I would see to it that justice is served.

But my grandparents refused to do anything about it, they were close friends with the Trent’s and they wish for it to remain that way. Besides, my marriage to Nathan Trent makes it practically impossible to seek justice against the Trent’s, we just had to let it go and forgive the elderly Trent. I kinda feel bad for him, I can tell that he regrets his actions, I even heard that he has been searching for me all these years as well and he has been looking for an opportunity to make amends. If only the rest of the family would understand that he was not thinking straight when he made that decision, he was moved by his jealousy, and now that the truth is out, he is filled with guilt and regrets that will continue to gnaw at his conscience for the rest of his life. With the way he is being treated by the rest of the family, he may be forced to take his own life, and that is if he doesn’t die from the pain and rejection of his family. The guilt would kill him faster than any poison, and that is why I keep urging Nathan to reunite the family and forgive everyone for their past mistakes. He is still posted off at everyone, that is why he isn’t listening to me. But I won’t give up, I’ll get him to reunite his family and restore peace in the family. I won’t be doing it for anyone, I would be doing it for myself and my kids. I would feel a lot better if I know that there are no greedy enemies out there that would be looking for an opportunity to hurt my kids and I, it would certainly put my mind at ease, that is why I’m never going to give up this idea, I’ll make sure this family is reunited.

Nathan brought smiles to all our faces when he brought me home to my family, my kids were showered with love and attention, they are loved and adored by everyone, I mean everyone, including Nathan's family. Gemma found a lot of willing hands that would cuddle and pamper her like a Princess. As for Gerald, he is just as tough as he had always been, but he found a new hobby, and that is hanging out with his father. I never thought that I would see a day where Gerald would depend on someone, but that is exactly what is happening right now. He never leaves his father's side and Nathan never complains because he adores his kids and he loves spending every moment with them. Watching him play with the kids is always the highlight of my day, it’s so amazing to be back.


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