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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Palmer had certainly heard of the Nourishment Pill before

The Abyssal Organization had previously tried to acquire the Nourishment Pill under the guise of the Pollack Group. All their attempts to send out feelers had sunk like a stone in the sea. which showed that the power behind the Nourishment Pill wasn’t something the average Joe could fathom

How the heck did this thing end up in Grandpa’s meds!” 

Annie pulled up the surveillance footage from Sexton’s hospital room

Sexton’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw it

Hey, when did you sneak a camera into my room? Didn’t I say no cameras allowed?” 

Palmer remained chill, with a tone that brooked no argument

Grandpa, it’s for your safety.” 

I don’t care! I’m 86 and I can’t even have a little privacy? You’re trampling on my rights, and I’m gonna sue your pants off!” 

Palmer ignored Sexton’s rants and turned on the surveillance

It was indeed Yvonne who brought in the meds. How did she get her hands on this stuff?” 

Marcel also looked pretty grim

Yvonne was still a Schnabel. If word got out that the Schnabel family had been messing with Sexton’s meds, they’d never be able to show their faces to the Pollack family again

Noella, what the heck is this stuff?” 

It’s a miracle drug from the black market. Goes for a cool million a pop. It gives yo 

you a false sense of being fit as a fiddle for a short while, but longterm use can mess with your head and even cause drug dependence. You quit and you’re a goner. Last time, Grandpa Sexton had a bad reaction because of the Nourishment Pill clashing with his regular meds

Marcel frowned. So why hasn’t he passed out now? Last time he got poisoned so he passed out. It should be the same deal this time!” 

Noella was silent for a moment

Because Grandpa Sexton is picky with his meds. He doesn’t take the ones that aren’t pretty, so he avoided the ones that would react with the Nourishment Pill” 

Sexton was smug as can be

Hmph, now you see, my way is the best. Lucky I’m so clever, or I’d be meeting the Grim Reaper right now!” 

Chapter 49 

The whole room was rolling their eyes

This old guy, being picky with his meds and acting all proud of it

The caregivers were sweating buckets, eyeing Sexton’s box of meds and trembling with fear. Ms. Yvonne Schnabel came to visit, and we didn’t think it was our place to stop her.” 

Palmer’s voice was ice cold. Didn’t I say before, every time Yvonne shows up, kick her out? Did you think my words were just wind?” 

Of course not! But she saidshe said she’s your fiancée” 

My fiancée is Noella. You guys can’t even recognize people properly, so you might as well not stick around the Pollack family anymore! Annie, replace everyone in Grandpa’s room!” 

The caregivers knew they had screwed up and Palmer wasn’t going to let them off the hook, but they really didn’t want to lose the generous care fees from the Pollack family, so they all looked pleadingly at Noella

Noella said coolly, You took Yvonne’s money, didn’t you?” 

No, not at all! Noella, it’s a misunderstanding! Since we’re already paid by Mr. Pollack, how could we take Miss Yvonne’s money.” 

Noella pointed to the video, At one minute and thirty seconds, Yvonne handed you a card.” 

Annie quickly rewound the video, and sure enough, Yvonne was seen handing a bank card to one of the caregivers

The caregivers were left speechless and were dragged away by the security

Sexton didn’t care and said, How many times have we changed staff now? I say it’s like trying to plug a leaking dam, Just let me check out and go home!” 

Palmer was speechless

The previous medical staff were compromised because the old guys wanted to use themselves as bait to see if there was danger hiding in the hospital

And yet, after changing staff, Sexton’s meds were still tampered with

Marcel apologized, Sexton, my apologies, this is on our family. We’ll definitely make it right for you!” 

It’s all goodBut wait a second, why didn’t Yvonne add anything to your meds?” 

Marcel gave a mysterious smile

I only take the meds Noella prescribes for me. Even if Calvin prescribes them, I won’t touch them.” 

Sexton was like, alright, you old fox

Marcel proudly showed off his own pillbox. These are prescribed by Noella. She delivers them 


Chapter 49 

to me daily. These are from the hospital, and I haven’t touched them.” 

Noella squatted down and picked up the pillbox

There’s Nourishment Pill here too, but Grandpa didn’t take any.” 

Sexton wasn’t having it

I want Noella to prescribe my meds too! Noella, you can’t play favorites. I’m still looking forward to your wedding!” 

Palmer’s eyes also held hope and a plea, Noella, I don’t trust any meds that aren’t prescribed by you. Grandpa’s meds have had issues several times, and I feel pretty bad about it.” 

Noella nodded and said, Alright, I’ll deliver them along with my grandpa’s meds from now on. Just so we’re clear, my meds aren’t as sweet as Nourishment Pill. They’re bitter.” 

Sexton’s face soured, how did she know he always went for the Nourishment Pill because it 

was sweet

Marcel was the first to declare, It’s just a few pills, right? He’ll take whatever you tell him to take. Some old guys claim to adore Noella, but can’t even stomach a few bitter pills what kind of love is that

Fine, fine, I get it! I’ll take them, okay?” 


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