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The Last Daughter novel Chapter 1

   The young werewolf hopped from rock pad to rock pad, swinging her tiger printed dress as she sang the new song her teacher taught her. Her mother was sad again, sad because her big sister's death anniversary was coming up. She didn't like the way her mother would always be before and after the memorial, so she decided to cheer her up. The girl went to fetch her favourite flowers but since she couldn't find them in the pack territory, she went out to look for it. Her parents had no idea when she left. They didn't need to know, she'll be back before they suspect. That was what she thought until she ended up lost.

   The girl wasn't scared, just worried that her mother would be worried. She'd been away from home for days, feeding from the fruits of trees she come across. She thought of her wolf…

If I had my wolf like my older sisters, she would help me find my way back or make it easier for daddy to find me.…

   But she didn't have her wolf yet, she was only a month above seven. She had to find her way on her own, and it wasn't going so well.

   Her mother would be crying, her father freaking out, Isla, her sister, would be sad, but Zira wouldn't care. Zira was her eldest sister, the next alpha. She didn't possess the quality of an alpha for reasons her father didn't know, but she was his first living child so she was the next. Zira wasn't like Isla who was sweet, kind, gentle, and understanding. She was more of arrogant, self-centred, demeaning and careless, very careless. Isla had more dominating aura than her but her father still insists Zira Rude becomes the next alpha. Zira was thirteen and recently got her wolf. Isla was eleven but already has her wolf. She shifted at ten which her father thinks is remarkable.

She wished she could shift too.

   The girl knew that if her father don't find her soon, her luck would run out. She could die of hunger, cold or even rogues. There had been a lot roaming about that she manage to avoid, but it wouldn't last. The pup yearned for her mother to be beside her, to hug her. She might be brave, but she was only just a pup.

No, Lulana, don't cry, don't cry… She recited in her head.

  She kept singing as she continue to walk into the forest. Her scandals was almost worn out. Her dress was covered with splashes of mud, dirt and twigs. She had dirt allover her face and hands too and she was tired.

   Then she heard it, a vicious bark coming not too far. Her young nose picked up on the stench, the really bad one. The girl gathered her dress into her small palms and ran. Heavy paws and snarls followed her movement, they were after her. The girl's young heart pounded against her chest as her breathing quickened. The rogues were after her and this time, she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid them this time.

Her feet carried her as fast as she could. She jumped over fallen branches, crushing twigs and insects with her legs. She manoeuvred her way around trees, pushed protruding branches out of her way, not daring to glance behind her. She could hear them, she could almost feel their hot breath scorching her skin. She knew running away was a waste of time, but her survival instinct pushed her forward.

The sound of their heavy paws getting closer reached her ears before her little body was suddenly flying across the forest and slamming into a tree. A little cry left her mouth, her ears pounding violently immediately. Her breathing stopped for a few seconds, before it came back to her with a sharp wheeze. Her body fell down from the tree, collapsing on the ground with a cough. Tears rolled out of her eyes, her body scrambling away from them. She didn't need to look to know she was surrounded. Cowardice men who would hurt a child.

With her eyes closed, she counted seven, their presence made it obvious. She heard the snapping of bones, indicating one shifting. She wiggled her stuffed nose, their stench made her sick to her stomach. Even though she had no wolf, she was still the daughter of two alphas and could perceive well. She felt him draw closer and bend over her.

"Well, well, well, look what we have got here, it's a little stray wolf. What happened? Your family abandoned you?" He asked, grabbing her bicep in his tight palm. He easily lifted her up the ground, using her bicep to hold her up. Pain radiated from where she was held, causing a sob to leave the lips of the young one. The rogue scoffed, tossing her back on the ground.

   "She's from Crescent pack, I can smell them allover her. Whose daughter are you?" The girl whimpered with fright. The moment she mentions her father's name, she'd be dead. But again, she would die either way. That theory was proved when he growled. "She's a Crescent! His daughter! Look at the birthmark on the back of her palm!" She screamed as he growled, continuing screaming as the sound of his adjusting bones reached her ears. This was it, she was going to die, her future would end.

All she wanted to do was to make parents happy again. All she wanted was to gladden her mother's heart. Her second eldest sister was right. She was nothing but a mindless child who thought she could bring happiness to everyone that cross her path. Now, she has done nothing but destroy her family even more. Her mother would commit suicide once she hears of her death, and her father, well, he's was as good as dead. Her sister, Isla, she could already see how depressed she would be.

She opened her eyes, her heart stopping when she saw the large open mouth of a large brown wolf coming to her. But just a few inches away from her, the wolf was flying and slamming through trees. Before she could register what was happening, thick floral vines dashed out of the tree, snapping around her body and lifting her off the ground. She screamed a bit, but stopped with a gasp when she found herself in the arms of a girl. She didn't have the time to look at the young girl holding her because of the frightened howl of the wolves.

She turned her head back to the wolves, quick enough to see a blue current of wind pass through one of the wolf. Immediately the wind went through the body of the wolf, it stiffened. Before her very eyes, the wolf turned into a ice statue. She caught sight of another girl, boredly wagging her index finger, a pink glow encasing it. She was shocked when the glow covered the frozen wolf and his body flew off the ground and dropped, smashing to pieces. A swift movement passed her eyes, and she saw another girl stand in front of a wolf, but before she could see what happened next, the girl carrying her pressed her face into her shoulder, so she won't see the horrible sight before her.


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