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The Luna Sings novel Chapter 3

The next morning started off pretty much the same with my dad dragging me to the edge of my bed by my ankles. "Come on Amaya sweetie, wake up!" "Five more minutes and I promise, I'll wake up," I whine as I put my pillow over my head.

"Wake up!" "You hate me and you never really loved me," I whine as I sit up and rub my eyes. He laughs as he walks out of the room. (He also enjoys my pain and suffering) I think to myself as I drag my feet to the bathroom.-

I wash my face and I brush my teeth. Do I want to bathe? I think to myself as I finish brushing my teeth. I take a quick shower to wake myself up, because my whole day will be like this, if I don't wake up completely.

When I get out, I quickly put on some grey joggers and a plain white tank top, then my brother's hoodie. I'm surprised to see Teagan downstairs, since she hit it off with Big Big. I don't say anything, I only lead the way to my car, so that, we can get to school before we're late.

I'm relieved to see that there aren't many people outside talking, but as I park they pull up. "Hey," says Ben as he runs over to Teagan. She giggles as she waves. "So do you guys always, carpool,?'' I ask causing everyone to laugh. (Yes, I was trying to be rude and insult them) (How do I get rid of them?)

"Well, let's get to class, shall we" I say dryly when they don't get my insult, which, really wasn't an insult, now that I, think about it.

After we get our books from our lockers, we go to class. I smile and I laugh at Ben and Raegan, even though, I really want them to disappear. (When can it be just me and Teagan again?) I think to myself.

Mrs. Primm calls me and Jacob to the front of the class, and tells us to hang a banner out in the hallway. I guess we were some of the first ones finished with our assignments. (I was happy, because it got me away from those two, and even though Teagan is there too, she wasn't all the way with me)

I feel like I'll explode, if my bestfriend starts hanging out with them more than me. They are cooler and more popular, and they'll be the leaders of the pack and I'll just be me, lonely old me.

I wonder if her and Big Ben are mates. I wonder if he knows. Of course, he does, which is why he can't stay away from her. I guess I'll be a nice third wheel and step back. "I think we should hang it up this way, or what do you think,?" asks Jacob with a smirk on his face, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Oh no, I'm not being nice or sarcastically rude to anyone else, these guys hard enough to get rid of. Like the gum that get's stuck on the bottom of your shoe, as much as you keep trying to scrape it off, it won't budge. (That's how hard it is to get rid of them)

"It doesn't matter, either way, they'll be able to read it" I say shrugging, still trying to be dry and short with everyone. "Yeah, that's true," he laughs.

"Should I tell Raegen you're talking to someone else,?" asks Zair, when he sees me and Jacob hanging up a banner. "We are not dating'' ''I'm not dating anyone and I don't even know how to date," "I'm not dating Raegan, or, Jacob," "Hey, calm down,'' ''I was joking, like you always do," "Well don't, okay,'' ''That's how rumors get started," I say seriously.

"I'm not like the girls you hang around, I actually care about my reputation," "I'm sorry, I would never start a rumor about any girl, and I'm sure Jacob wouldn't either," He looks at us with wide eyes. This is probably the most drama, he has ever had in his life. "No, I won't," he says.

"I want to apologize again, before I, get back to class, and to also let you know that I don't hang around girls like that," "Yeah, they probably just hang off of you" He smiles and I see something in his eyes, but I don't know what. "Well, bye Alpha Jr.,'' "See you later," he says as he chuckles.

After we finish hanging the banner and a few other things, we go back inside and take our seats. Not soon after the bell rings.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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