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The Luna Sings novel Chapter 4

After my talk with Teagan, I felt a whole lot better. I was still going to be sarcastically rude to these guys, but, I will do it with a smile on my face.

I'm in such a good mood, that I let Ben and Teagan be partners for the second half of class, while I partnered up with Raegan. He was a perfect gentleman, and he didn't try to go overboard and sneak a touch or grab.-

Hey, bro bro, we're going to have to share Teags, okay,?" I say to Ben, as I hold my hand up to hi five him. He does it with a smile and agrees. I understand that when they are announced as mates and the bond is completed, there will be no sharing, but until then, we can share.

"She thinks she's a dude," says some girl that was watching Alpha Jr.. I guess they don't like that he hangs with me and Teagan, since we aren't popular. (Well not as popular as them, and not popular for a good reason) Trust me girls, if I could get rid of them, I would.

I smile and I walk over to her. "I'm very much a girl, and, I love being a girl," "I don't have to have half of my ass out, or pink and sparkly things to show that,"

"Well you don't only dress like a boy, you act like a boy, too," she says with a smirk. "What about you Janice,?" "You make fun of people, but no one ever talks about how you went to California and came back talking like a Valley girl, and that, was back in middle school,"

"And at least they are being themselves unlike you, you're just as fake as the blonde highlights in your hair," she looks embarrassed as everyone laughs. I feel bad, but I can't take it back now. "You look way better as a brunette anyways," I say, trying to lesson her embarrassment.

Raegan walks up to me and smiles. ''Let's go," he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. ''Where,?" I ask as we walk towards the bleachers. "Away, from this embarrassing scene," "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!" says Teagan from behind me.

Then she runs up and puts her arm around my waist, causing me to smile at her cute shortness, and I wrap my arm around her waist too. Ben looks at us with puppy dog eyes, so I whisper for her to bring him to the bleachers to sit with us and his eyes light up, when she walks over to him.

Raegan's chuckle reminds me that he still has his arm around my shoulder.

"Get off me dude," I say removing his arm, causing them to laugh. He smiles. "It lasted longer, than, I thought it would," I shrug.

"What,?" I ask as Zair smirks at me. "You stood up for yourself, then you started to back out when she felt bad," "So what,?" "Nothing, I'm just trying to figure you out," "Me too," says Raegan. My eyes get big as I look from Zair to Raegan. (I tried to put up with these fools, but, they are doing to much)

''I'm pretty sure you have better things to do with your free time, than to worry about me" "If not, you're not trying hard enough and I'm worried about the future of this pack," They laugh so hard, that everyone looks our way. I feel like telling Teagan to meet me at my house after school and bolting for the door right now.

"The bell is about to ring, so I'm going to change" I say as I stand. "I'll go with you," says Teagan standing and walking towards me. "No, it's fine," "The bell is about to ring anyways," "I'll see you after school" she says to Ben, turning his frown upside down. She hooks her arm with mine and we walk to the showers.

Chapter 4 1


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