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The Luna Sings novel Chapter 6

As we pull up to the school, I spot Zair and his crew. "Let's wait until they go inside," I say as I scrunch up my nose. Teagan giggles as she gets out and walks over to my side and opens my door.

"Come on," she says as she grabs my hand and helps me out of the car. ''Hi guys," I say as I try to walk us past them. "Are you trying to ditch us?" asks Raegan as he grabs my hand. ''Uh...no" I lie as I lightly smack at his hand twice.

"I thought we were all getting close" says Ben with a sly smirk. "You two can get close" I say pointing to him and Teagan. "And even you two" I say pointing between Zair and Tammy. They laugh of course, except for Raegan, he looks slightly hurt.

"Hey" I say as I grab his hand. "You're handsome, smart, and a gentleman with a title, but, I'm veeery complicated and weird" I tell him causing Ben and Teagan to chuckle and giggle. ''Plus, I'm waiting on my mate," "How do you know that I'm not your mate,?" "Don't, do it," I say squinting and pointing at him. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards his chest. (Werewolf men)

"Look Raegan the most I could offer you is a friendship," I say pulling back. "But we're already friends" he says. "Yeah, sure we are," he opens his mouth to say something. "Well, I gotta go," I say before I run to the school.

As I go through my locker, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at it and he pulls his hand back. "Sorry," says Zair. "You've made a big impression on my friends and I," "It's great that you want to wait for your mate, but, we can all be friends," I don't say anything, I can't believe he is here at my locker talking on behalf of his Beta.

"You're probably not used to a bunch of pig headed guys, but we really like hanging out with you and Teagan," "Come on just give us a chance," he says with a smile. "Yeah," says Ben from behind him. ''Fine," I say with a raised eyebrow.

"And I, am used to pigheaded boys, I have an older brother," "I'm sure you know him, he graduated last year" "He was the best football player" says Ben. "Yeah, he's also our lead trainer" says Zair. "Yep, he's going to be training me again, since, he's coming back tonight!" I say a little overly excited. 

"We could train you too," says Zair. "Are you sure," "You won't care, if I kick your butts,?" They laugh. (But again, I wasn't joking) We hurry to our classes as the bell rings. Well I do, I don't care if they stand around talking.

"So, you decided to give us a chance," says Ben with a smirk. "You won't regret it" "We're going to be besties," he says in a deep, not so girly voice, making Teagan giggle of course. (This girl doesn't have a hard bone in her bodyy) I think to myself, but, that's why I love her.

Raegan was pretty quiet during class, which was usually normal for him, before, he started talking to us. ''Hey friend," I say as we get to our social studies class. "Hi" he replies with a smirk. "So did Tammy ever decide where we were going and when?" I ask, trying to break the ice, without putting myself on a silver platter, for him to think that he has a chance.

"Yeah, but we couldn't agree" he says. "She wanted to go to a karaoke bar, but, that's where Zair's-," "Uh it's nice, but we're just going to go to the Red claw," I look at the floor, as I nod and blush, remembering last night in the karaoke bar.

 "So what kind of place is it?" "The Claw," I ask. ''You've never been to a night club," he asks surprised. "No, me and Teagan usually dance in my room and truthfully, I've never wanted to go" "I imagine, it's where horndogs go to try and feel up on some unsuspecting girl, but, we'll give it a try," "I don't think I've ever heard of the term horndogs," he says as he laughs.

 "Hey Zair, do you know what a horndog is?" he asks as Zair makes his way over to us. "No" he says looking confused. "Apparently, it's a bunch of horney guys that can't keep their hands to themselves," I take my long curly hair out of my ponytail and I cover my face with it, as they chuckle.

"She went into a cocoon" says Zair. (I hate him again) "Hey butterfly, come out, we won't laugh again," "Yeah, Ben's not here," says Raegan agreeing.

I look down at Zair, as he is squatted next to me. "It's a pretty good name for people like that," "I've known a couple of girls like that too," he says as he pushes my hair from my face. I try not to blush, as I, look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm only used to talking to my brother and Teagan this way," I say as I look at the floor, to avoid his eyes. "Well think of us as your brothers" says Raegan. "Except we're datable," says Zair smiling.

"Yes, that part," says Raegan as he winks at me. "Okay, will do," I say giving them two thumbs up. (They can be my brothers) I put my hair back into a ponytail and I look forward, as I do my lesson and I keep my eyes ahead, even though, I feel them looking at me. 

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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