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The Luna's Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 1


The best way to take Moonstar was to get into their territory unawares and then take them down by surprise. The population of their pack was about twice that of my pack but my soldiers were the best in the world and I had a plan.

The new alpha of Moonstar, Derek had been causing problems everywhere since he was named alpha. He had no regard for the wolves in the neighboring packs and did whatever he wanted with whomever he saw fit. I had been ignoring this nuisance for a while until one of his wolves raped one of the shewolves of my pack. It was an insult to me as an alpha and my pack as a whole. I summoned him to my territory to answer to the crime committed by his wolf because after all, Moonstar was still a lower pack to Griffin Howl and was therefore inferior.

He had done the unthinkable. He slaughtered the messenger sent to summon him and returned his head to my court in a box. That was a direct act of war towards my pack, Derek knew this, but did it anyway and would surely pay. I sent one of my soldiers, a spy, beforehand to Moonstar who gave us the information we needed for our ambush. I planned the assault and set up our formation. The next day, we reached the border of Moonstar.

"Jacob, Joshua." I called.

"Yes alpha!" The twins echoed in unison.

"You'll lead the attack on the back gate. Take some quick men and move."

They nodded firmly, pointed at five wolves and moved without another word. Josh and Jake were a rare species of twins called Gemini, they had the ability to communicate with each other no matter the distance between them. As an alpha, I could mind-link too, but theirs had no limit. That was an ability unique to them alone and it came in very handy during spying, but the most impressive power they shared was the ability to merge together and transform into one mighty werewolf. That was exactly why I sent them together this time.

"Ralph, Dom, Sebastian and Valentino, take down the watchers on the wall."

"Yes alpha," They said, stepping out.

"Make it as subtle as possible and leave no survivors. Not a single one."

They nodded and disappeared into the shadows of the walls.

I kept some wolves on standby, instructing them to mind-link me if anything came up, then started toward the front gate with a few men. Joshua's information from spying on Moonstar was right, there were five wolves guarding the gates.

"Don't tell me you actually fucked them both? Damn Pop!" I heard one of them laughing hysterically.

"The more the merrier." Pop said, standing up proudly. "And I even… "

I slit his throat from behind before he could finish his sentence and my men took care of the rest just as stealthily as I ordered. We wore their pack seal to blend in and moved the bodies out of the way and continued inside the gates, taking down the soldiers one by one.

Back gate is clear. Jacob mind-linked me.

Spread out but keep the formation.

Roger that.


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