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The Luna's Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 2

I bought some gifts for my family on the way back home. After all this, all I wanted to do was spend quality time at home with my wife and son. It had been a long couple of days planning and executing the attack on Moonstar and everything. My arm was still heavily bandaged from the wounds I sustained during battle. A normal injury would've healed fast but these had come from an alpha, scratches and bites inflicted by alphas took a longer time to heal regardless of who was attacked.

My body still stung as I made my way carefully toward the house. A nice hot bath followed by some vigorous fucking with my wife would go a long way to heal me and also calm my nerves. Amaya would love that very much. She loved being touched all the time and I owed her. I smiled despite myself, my body tingling in excitement. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Just thinking about the things I would do to her made me fucking horny. I hastened my steps so I wouldn't piss myself.-

On getting home, I noticed the door was unlocked. Did she see me coming and unlock the door? Maya sure did like surprises. I decided to play along and went inside.

"Maya I'm home!" I announced, placing the stuff I was with on a table. When I didn't get a response, I went inside. "Amaya?" Was it hide and seek now? I searched around, expecting to see her every time I opened a curtain or a closet or looked under a bed. I was overworking myself and soon my wounds began to bleed again but I kept looking. This was a game we used to play.

The sound of a baby crying stopped me in my tracks and my heart sank. Declan. I searched where it was coming from and saw my one year old son on the floor crying. His clothes were dusty like he had been there for a long time. Did he fall? Oh God.

I bent and quickly picked him up as the stitches on my arm tore even more and more blood flowed. "Shh. It's okay, it's okay. Daddy's here, stop crying." I said, wiping his tears.

What the hell was happening? Why was Declan like this? Was this still a game? I put him back into his cradle and went into our room for the second time and noticed the note on the bed. I probably hadn't seen it before because my eyes were just focused on finding Amaya's hiding place. I opened it and read. It was in her handwriting;

Dear Kade,

I'm leaving. I know this is very selfish of me but I just couldn't take this anymore, you ignore me a lot, you're too busy, you don't touch me anymore. All you care about is the pack. But I need attention, I need to be taken care of but sadly you can't do that. Nik and I have run away to somewhere far away so please don't look for us. I left Declan with you as a peace offering so please don't start any trouble. Nik loves me and knows how to treat me. I hope you find someone special.


I read that shit about four times and everything I was done, my head went like, 'wait… what?!'

She's gone? With Nik, her apparent lover? And Declan was a peace offering. What the actual fuck was that?

"This can't be right." I shook my head. "Really funny babe!" I said loudly. Obviously she was still in the house but this letter was a bit extreme. I paced out of the room, ransacking the entire house looking for her. When I still couldn't find her, my thoughts went back to the letter in her handwriting but I killed it immediately, that was obviously a joke.

I entered our room again for the fourth time. But this time I was convinced she was hiding here because, where else could she be? Ignoring the trail of blood I had left throughout the house, I turned the room upside down as my denial turned to rage when I didn't find her in the bedroom. I kicked the bedside table so hard it shattered like glass and then something dropped to the ground. A phone. Maya's phone.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I picked it up. She should've just kept it somewhere more open and saved me all of this stress. I knew that if Maya's phone was close then so was she. I opened the smartphone and froze; at first I thought it was just random porn but Amaya's tattoo couldn't be mistaken. It was a sextape. And Nik, my beta, was the one doing the fucking. I immediately stopped the video but a different but similar video started to play. It was a playlist of about a dozen sextapes.

A rage like I have never felt before surged within me and I gave off a roar that I had never done before. It was so loud that walls shook but at that moment, I didn't give a fuck about anything in the world. I smashed the phone into a thousand fucking pieces and turned primal like only an alpha can.

I ripped the king-sized mattress to shreds, I crashed every picture and painting on the wall, tore the shelf down together with every bloody book on it. I grabbed the wardrobe and ripped out one of its doors, grabbed the clothes and tore them to pieces.

Amaya had run off with another man, breaking my heart. My anger fizzled out and I felt the floor in a heap. I would not fall in love anymore.


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