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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 31

CHAPTER 31: The Meeting Place

IT'S BEEN A WEEK but Lilian didn't talk that much with Alpha Karius anymore. She didn't roam around the pack anymore as their last talk just lingered in her mind. She didn't respond to what he said that time anymore and was just staring at him without any hint of emotion in his face. They're just staring at each other until the kids come back together with their Teacher Naia. They continued their lecture for that day like Alpha Karius didn't open up about it.

Their child is such a sensitive topic for her. And Alpha Karius opening it up to her is making her remember the sole reason why she's doing her revenge. Because the truth is, she's not only doing it for what happened to her before. She wanted to avenge her unborn child... their child who didn't have the chance to see the world. The child that she could've saved in the past if only Alpha Karius didn't hurt her.

Lilian jolted a bit on her bed when she heard the knock on her door the next morning. She lazily got up and opened the door revealing Nadia holding a tray with her breakfast. She's not really going out when she knows that Alpha Karius is still in the mansion. She would only go out when she knows that he's already out for his Alpha duties.

And Alpha Karius seemed to know about her avoiding him because he didn't budge her anymore after that, although he was trying to be civil to her and would talk to her about simple things when they saw each other in the mansion.

"Here's your breakfast, Luna..." Nadia said as she gently put the tray on the side table. It was her breakfast, just bread and a coffee like what she wanted. She's not really used to eating heavy breakfast in the morning so this is enough for her.

Lilian smiled a bit at Nadia. "Thank you," she replied, making Nadia's brows furrowed a bit. Nadia couldn't help but to think that maybe there's something wrong with their Luna right now. Lilian had been so mean to her for the past days. And she gets why she's acting that way. Hearing her thank you is such a big confusion to her.

Nadia couldn't help but to think about what happened in the past... where she did nothing on Gianna's stunt and accused Lilian for something that she didn't even do. Nadia knew that Lilian did it but she didn't want Gianna to get mad at her that time since they all thought that she's their Luna... but it all turned out that it was all just a setup. Alpha Karius just used her and later on got rid of her from the pack.

The past few days, Lilian realized that even though she would show her bitchy side to Nadia, she won't just budge. Nadia never talks back to her and would just quietly follow what she wants and Lilian hates it. She hates it that she doesn't get any reaction from her that she gets tired from being bitch to her. She wanted to see her crying in front of her or to be angry at her but it seems like that's impossible to happen now.

Nadia just smiled at her, actually happy inside her head because Lilian isn't mean to her right now. What happened the other day where she didn't like the food they cooked and cooked something new for five minutes was still so fresh to her. Nadia wanted to create a good impression on her now even though her view towards her was already tainted because of what happened in the past.

"Is the Alpha still downstairs?" She asked Nadia.

"The Alpha already left for his duty, Luna."

Lilian nodded. This morning, she just wanted to go to the garden later to look at the flowers that relaxed her whenever she looked at them from the balcony of her room. She wanted to see it up close this time. They all looked pretty from afar and she thinks that they are prettier up close, too.

Nadia later left as Lilian started to eat her breakfast. She decided to take a bath after that and change into her most comfortable dress.

Lilian went downstairs sporting her smiling face making the other helpers cleaning looked at her weirdly. She's not really approachable whenever they are looking at her so she gets why they are gazing at her with their confused expression.

"Good morning!" Lilian greeted the helpers cheerfully.

It was clear that they were a bit hesitant if they would greet her back since Lilian saw how the other one pinch the side of the other helper. But then, they looked at her with their nervous expression before they greeted her back with a bit of hesitation in their tone.

"G-Good morning, Luna..."

Lilian just nodded. "I'll just roam around the garden." She informed them and they just both nodded.

Lilian walked her way to the garden and smiled as soon as she smelled the fresh breeze of the air that had a hint of the fragrant flowers. The garden was actually wide. She could even shift here and run around with her wolf form if she wants but she didn't want that to happen so she prefers just wandering around the wide garden. There are different varieties of flowers that are well taken care of. She ran around giggling like a kid, suddenly forgetting about her revenge and her issue on Alpha Karius and everyone around her.

She suddenly felt like a kid again... no problems and just playing around. She closed her eyes and held the flowers as she walked with a smile on her lips, feeling the wind and the sunlight kissed her skin.


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