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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 33

CHAPTER 33: The Throbbing Pain

"L-LUNA, AREN'T you going out? You need to see Alpha Karius right now, Calyx told me about it earlier..."

Lilian glared at the helper who came to her while she's sitting on the sofa boredly. This is the second time that the helper came to her and it honestly irritated her a bit since she just kept on saying the same thing. The helper wants Lilian to go to the tree house even though it's really against his will.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I have no plans going there?" Lilian said sharply to the helper as she rolled her eyes.

Heck, she will not go back to that place again. The tree house served as their meeting place before and going back on that place will just make her remember her ugly and painful past. That is the place where he lost her own little pup... and that is the place where Alpha Karius chose to end between the both of them. It is where it ended everything. Her heart died in that place, too.

"I-I'm sorry, Luna,", the helper said as she bowed her head a bit, afraid of meeting Lilian's eyes. The helper couldn't help but to feel nervous. Calyx informed her earlier to make the Luna go to the tree house. But it seems like she can't do that anymore since the Luna made herself clear that she wouldn't go there. She couldn't help but to wonder.

Lilian didn't respond anymore and just leaned back on the sofa again. After roaming around the garden earlier and talking to Penny a bit, she suddenly felt tired as her neck ached, probably because of her mark.

She keeps on ignoring it the past few days but the mark on her neck keeps on aching and she's having a hunch that maybe because she hasn't given her mark yet to Alpha Karius. Thinking about it made her lips pursed a bit. Well, she doesn't want to give him her mark. It was already a mistake that she let him mark her so she doesn't need to repeat another mistake again.

Lilian once read before in old books that it's fine not giving her mark to her mate anyway. So, she opted to not give it to Alpha Karius since it won't affect her. But she already forgot the other details since it had been a long time since she read about the book on the mating process of the wolves. She didn't pay that much attention to it anymore since it wasn't that important to her at that time.

But, why is her neck aching now? Is it just a normal stiff neck or what? But it's not healing. Is it something else?

Lilian shook her head a bit before she rested her back on the sofa again, not noticing that she already felt asleep.


"SHOULD WE WAKE her up?" one of the helpers asked Nadia when they saw Lilian peacefully sleeping on the sofa.

Nadia sighed heavily. Maybe their Luna was tired of roaming around the garden earlier that she didn't notice that she already fell asleep and forgot about going to the tree house where Alpha Karius asked her to go.

"We should not. It looks like she's tired from earlier," Nadia answered. And besides, they are both scared to wake Lilian up since they might get scolded. Nadia saw how she rolled her eyes on the poor helper earlier. So, might as well leave her be on what she wants to do. Maybe Alpha Karius could understand if she won't be able to go.

After being mean to them the past few days, Nadia didn't really make a big deal about it. She deserved Lilian's bitchy side to her, after all. It's because of what she did in the past. And she's really regretting it up until now.

"B-But it's our Alpha's birthday. He's waiting for her now..." the helper said sadly. Worry is now written to her face.

Nadia didn't answer the helper anymore and looked at her. "Let's just continue cleaning the kitchen," she said coldly to the helper before she left her.

Meanwhile, the helper couldn't help but to feel sad for Alpha Karius when the rain suddenly started to pour harshly. She suddenly felt worried about their Alpha. She just hopes that he's safe at this moment. She couldn't help but to feel mad at their Luna... knowing that she ditched him on his very special day. But no matter what she feels, it won't even matter because she's just a helper in the house.


LILIAN WOKE UP because of the coldness of the wind that kissed her skin. It slowly drew to her that it's raining harshly outside. The curtains on the glass windows are dancing with the wind. There's no electricity, probably because of the strong wind but it's a good thing that she could still see clearly in the darkness because of her wolf.

Her brows furrowed when she saw that the helpers and Nadia were shouting near the entrance of the mansion. Curiously, Lilian stood up to go in their direction to ask what's happening. Why are they even there at this moment if it's this cold and raining so hard? They should be resting now.

"What's the matter?" she asked with her hoarse voice. She probably overslept since it was already dark outside and she's guessing that it's probably nine or ten in the evening already.

"L-Luna!" they said in unison as they gasped.


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