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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 37

CHAPTER 37: The Mark of Lilian

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, Alpha Karius removed his shirt and sweatpants, exposing his body like a Greek God and proud manhood. He flipped Lilian over making her underneath him this time. He harshly gripped on her bosom like a mad man while staring at her innocent face as he clenched his jaw.

"You're so damn hot, Ma'am," he couldn't help but to blurt out. Everything about her is such perfection. He caressed her arms as she stared at her beautiful eyes. And once again, he's like being hypnotized when she stares at him.

"Show me what you got," Lilian whispered at him, trying to equal the intensity of his stares. He's really handsome and she hates how her own body reacts to him. Her own body is betraying her again, liking the way he touches him.

Alpha Karius' eyes darkened the moment his gaze went down to Lilian's wet and plump lips. She's biting it earlier, making it redder and inviting. He didn't hesitate to lean down and have a taste of it while his other hand was still busy molding her breast, playing with her hardened nipples. Her lips are so sweet, making him want her more.

A whimper escaped from Lilian's mouth as soon as she got a taste of Alpha Karius' lips. His lips taste like mint, allowing herself to taste him even more. His lips moved slowly at first then seconds later, it became aggressive, following the rhythm of how he molded her breast. It was fast, she almost couldn't follow his rhythm. He was like eating her mouth already!

"Hmm." She purred like a cat, opening her mouth to welcome his tongue to explore her insides. His tongue battled with hers as it fought with the same intensity. She kissed him back, letting him dominate her mouth this time. Her hands raked on his hair, pulling it, while they continued kissing that created a sound. He even bit her lower lip and licked the sting away. His kisses were fast and she tried to move away a bit to gasp for air but he would only let for a sec before devouring her lips again. Goodness! His moves are so fast! "Let me... hmm.. b-breathe... ahmm.." She couldn't help but to say it and slightly pulled his hair.

And with that, Alpha Karius pulled away from the kiss and looked at her with his concerned eyes. She gasped for air immediately as he even caressed her swollen lips. "Sorry, Ma'am. Did I bite your lips too hard, hmm?" he asked and even though she doesn't want it, Lilian could feel how her cheeks heated at his simple words.

"Not really," she answered and looked away a bit as if it was enough to calm her wolf who's now enjoying their heated pleasures. She actually likes how fast and rough he is. It just excites her even more but of course, she wouldn't admit it.

"Please, look at me, Ma'am." Alpha Karius gently held her cheek, caressing it lightly and made her look at him. "I could live just by looking at your pretty face forever..."

She smirked. "Really? Then, can you live without having sex with me?"

"That's a different story, Ma'am." He smirked and leaned down again, targeting her neck this time, licking it and running his canines on it teasingly before he turned it back to normal. He kissed her mark, sucking it lightly as she gave him more access to what he's doing. Her neck really looked sexy with his mark on it, he couldn't help but to run his tongue multiple times on it. His stubbles are also tickling her skin. "You're the only woman that could pleasure me like this."

"Ahh..." she answered him with a moan as his other hand twisted her nipple. "Oh, fuck..." She could feel how her core throbbed even more as his tongue ran on her soft and delicate skin.

Alpha Karius' lips went down to her collarbone, gently biting it as he played with her nipple. He teasingly rubbed his manhood on Lilian's core making her whimper. His shaft would slide to her heated core since she's too wet already as his lips went down to her hardened nipple this time. She unconsciously opened her legs wider for him as he continued rubbing his shaft on her slit. Moments later, he put one of his peaks inside his mouth and sucked it like a hungry baby.

"Ohh..." Lilian pulled Alpha Karius' hair as his mouth sucked her nipple. He would sometimes release it with a sound while groping her other mountain. She can't help but to close her eyes a bit, feeling the tingling sensation in her core.

Alpha Karius sucked Lilian's nipples alternately, giving it both an equal attention. While doing it, he couldn't help but to look at Lilian's pleased face. Her mouth turned into a big 'O' as her head fell back in pleasure, biting her lower lip. He smirked at that sight and just sucked her even more.

His other hand went south and found her core. He caressed and rubbed her wet slit while still sucking her left nipple as she spread her wetness. He found her sensitive bud and rubbed it in a circular motion, slowly at first until he did it faster.

"Ahh... ahhh. Oh, my-- ahh!" Her moans are like music to his ears. He enjoys how she shouted in so much pleasure. "A-Alpha Karius!"


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