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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 44

CHAPTER 44: The Vision





"YOUR MOTHER MISSES you so much," Jackson said as they sat on the big rock near the water. He held Lilian's hand and guided her on sitting properly.


Lilian heaved a deep sigh and smiled. "Please tell her I miss her, too." She couldn't help but to think about her sometimes. She misses her mother so much and she can't help but to wonder what she is doing now? What's making her busy the past few days that she's not with her? Oh, Lilian hopes that she's not burying herself with her work and her Alpha duties that much.


Jackson scoffed. "You should be the one telling that to her. When are you going back, Lilian? Alpha Calista is so worried about you."


That made her straighten her back. Well... she has no plans in going back for now. And her mission is still not done... But then, the other part of her brain is somehow saying that her wolf likes to stay here. Her wolf is happy here and she would be really lonely if she ever left this place.


"Soon. I'll come back soon. I just need to finish some... things here." Lilian shrugged his shoulders as her eyes went to the clear water and sighed again. 


"That's good to hear. I thought you have no plans on coming back already. The Midnight pack is still your home, in case you have forgotten that thing already." He gently shook his head as if he's disappointed and sighed. Well, Jackson couldn't help but to feel sad knowing that Lilian, his sparring partner is not around in Midnight pack. He misses her so much but as of now, he has no balls to admit it to her. Other than that, he also has no plans on telling Lilian what he... truly feels for her.


Because Jackson knew to himself that it's all useless now. And what he feels is wrong that voicing it out will only complicate things. 


"I'll always come back to our pack," Lilian replied with a small smile on her lips. Of course, Midnight pack is still her home like what Jackson has said. And she has no plans on... staying here longer. 


"That's good to hear. By the way, how's your mate?" He suddenly shifted the topic as he looked down. He suddenly wanted to hit himself for asking Lilian about that. It actually hurts him but he has no plans on showing it to her that he's hurting. "Is he... good to you? Are you fine staying with him?" He asked. He wants to know. Because the other side of his brain is saying that maybe, he could pursue her if her mate is not treating her well. He could take her away from him if she's not happy with him. Damn, he must be insane now. He's willing to go to that extent of stealing Lilian away from her mate if ever she asked him to.


"He's..." Lilian was suddenly out of words. Alpha Karius... he's actually good at and is busy making up with her even though she's hurting him with words. He's just accepting it all. Other than that, he's also good in... bed. Of course, she must admit that but she has no plans voicing it out. She blushed at her own thoughts. "... still the same Alpha," she continued instead.


"What do you mean still the same? From what I learned from your story that you told me before, that Alpha broke your heart. Is he repeating the same mistake?" Jackson asked as he clenched his jaw. He knew about her past, one of the reasons why he had the urge to steal Lilian away from her mate but he chose not to as a sign of respect to her.


Lilian sighed again. "Let's not talk about it. I want to know what's the reason for your sudden appearance here. Did someone send you?" She diverted the topic instead and looked at him seriously this time, remembering what he told her just minutes ago.


"Alpha Calista sent me here. Aside from the fact that she wanted to know if you're fine here, she wanted to relay a message about her vision to you." He told him seriously.


Vision. Calista, her mother, has the ability to see a vision through her dreams. She's actually a hybrid-- half witch and half wolf but being a wolf is more dominant in her blood. She rarely shows the ability of being a witch, too. But aside from that, she hates her witch ability that could see a vision because she failed to see what's going to happen before when she lost her mate and Lilian back in the war. 


Thinking about it, Lilian couldn't help but to be sad for her mother. Until now, she could still feel that Calista is blaming herself for what happened long years ago. Sometimes, she wanted to open it up before but then she knew how painful it would be for her so she chose not to talk that much about it anymore.


"What did she see?" Lilian asked curiously.


"It's about the moon goddess," he answered. The serious tone of Jackson somehow made Lilian suddenly feel nervous even though she shouldn't be. She suddenly had the hunch that this talk will be heavy for her.


Lilian nodded. "You said earlier that you have something to tell that has something to do with me. What is it? And why are you even bringing about the moon goddess all of a sudden?" Well, it actually doesn't make any sense if this talk concerns her.


"As we all know, the moon goddess is responsible for the mating process of the wolves. The goddess is the one who's choosing the mate of every wolf that would be bound forever through their marks." He paused a bit. "But other than that, there's one thing that you should know about it. The moon goddess rewards a wolf every hundred years with an extraordinary strength that would end the evil and the darkness of this world."


Lilian didn't talk, waiting for the next thing that Jackson is about to say. Well, she already knew about some things since she had studied those things before when she was in Midnight pack. But it was all limited since she's also busy with some other things like her training and teaching some pups. And sometimes, she would prefer reading romance books.


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