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The One Time Rejected Omega novel In The Catacomb

The One Time Rejected Omega

Chapter 1. In The Catacomb

Ariella POV

Ariella!!!!!!!!, I heard my name being called with anger and I know it wouldn't be any other one calling me than my aunt.

I rushed to where she was with fear to avoid being given another round of beating.

Immediately she laid her eyes on me, she rushed to where I was and grabbed my hair so roughly.

"Ouch**" Au-nt please let me go. I pleaded.

"How many times have I warned you never to put too much salt on the meal," Aunt Lillian questioned me with her hands still on my hair and almost removing my scalp.

"Aunt Lillian!!!!! I swear with my life."

"I didn't add much salt when preparing the meal, I tasted it to be sure and there was no salt". I said groaning trying to free myself from her strong grip.

She landed a deafening slap on my cheek and I couldn't help but quiver in pain.

"Shut up Arielle, I told you not to add salt and here you telling me trash."

"You tasted the soup and there was no salt but how the hell did the salt vanished to the meal just as we were about to have dinner????" She asked me.

"Aunt, I didn't add plenty of salt am so sure someone framed just so I can be beaten." I explained further.

"If you weren't the one then who added it??? You are the only witch who had the nerves to do that."

"I instructed you to prepare the Meal and you did some kind of trash."

"How in the world do you expect Louis to feel when he finds out our dinner has been on hold because of the havoc you just caused. Huh????" I could sense her anger building up.

"Aun---t I can never do such but no one would ever believe me. No one... Not even my Uncle." I bit my lips and looked down sobbing quietly.

I couldn't say anything as I just kept quiet because everything I said to them is always worthless and likes lies to their ears.

"I am worthless to them, I am nothing more than a slave to them so anything am saying to them doesn't worth their listening ears."

"What do you have to say, you murderer? she exclaimed.

"I swear with my life, I didn't add salt to the meal". I said hoarsely with tears falling freely from my eyes.

"And again she landed another deafening slap on my face. You kept on denying what you did with your clear eyes huh!!!"

"Let's see where you are going to end up." she said and she dragged me into the---

"Aunt please, I wasn't the one who committed those havoc. I cried out loud.

The more I tried to explain was the more she tightened her grip on my hair and it feels like hell.

"It hurts." I said as she pushed me into the Catacomb.

"You will be staying here until you realize your clumsy self". She said as she spat on my face in anger.

"Aunt please, you can't just leave me here when I am innocent." I said banging the iron gate so hard but not even a single soul bothered to come to check what is happening.

I am already used to this, everyone hated and loathed me so I am not expecting any of them to come because they are as heartless as their Alpha And Luna.

"Never, I mean ever give her anything until I instructed the person to do so." She said as her voice echoed around the whole house.

Who would she be referring to apart from uncle Louis and my cousins with the guard included?


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