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The One Time Rejected Omega novel Chapter 3

Chapter 4. Mate!!!!

Ariella POV-

"What took you so long?? Uncle Yelled at me and I flinched as I stepped backward.

"I'm so sorry Uncle, the crowd at the market was too much so I have to wait for my turn". I said bowing my head with fear written all over my voice.

"You just have to thank your stars that you have some important things to do or you would have been thrown into the catacomb by now."

"Get out of my sight and go make yourself useful for the Feast preparation." Aunty shouted at me and I rushed out of her sight.

I went straight to the kitchen to prepare some of the delicacies for the great Feast celebration.


I cleaned the sweats from my forehead tiredly.

I was so exhausted and i needed a cold and refreshing bath to cool my nerves down.

I walked to the kitchen slope and rested my head on the wall.

I have not even rested for a minute when the chief maid screamed my name as if she is being chased by someone.

"Ariella, The chief maid called me and I turned around looking at her.

"You need to clean those dishes right now." She ordered.

"I nodded my head walking sluggishly to where the dishes were located."

Within some minutes I was done washing the dishes.

I cleaned my hands with the rag on my left and walked to the chief maid.

"I'm done washing the dishes." I told her and she signaled me to remain standing.

This lady is like the devil's best friend, she derives joy in seeing me suffer and tired.

"The Luna needs your presence right now." She told me.

I think I am lost here, how the hell did aunt Lilliana communicate with her. I asked no one in particular.

"Are you deaf? She questioned me jolting me off my thought.

"I'm sorry I apologized."

"Sorry for yourself who refused to get a mate." She sneered at me.

This doesn't even move me a bit because I am already used to her tortures.

I walked straight to where Aunt Liliana was sited.

Immediately I got to where she was, I gave her a slight bow before asking her why she sent for me.

"Aunt, the chief maid told me you needed my presence." I said.

"I don't need your presence, Arielle, because your presence seems very useless to me."

"Let's keep that aside.

"I will be giving you a sound warning that you would need to obey."

"On no account should I see you aside your room immediately after the party started or you will get yourself doomed?"

"I want you to be in your room throughout the celebration and I wouldn't want to even see your shadow outside." Am I clear? She questioned me and I nodded my head.

"Now I want you to go straight to your room because the party is about to start." She said.

I walked straight to my room like a zombie that is being controlled.

Immediately I got to my room, I took off my clothes and walked straight to the bathroom to have my bath.

Minutes later, I came out of the bathroom dripping wet.

I dried my body with the towel and I wore my faded clothes.

After dressing up, I lie on the bed as I close my eyes and drifted to the fairyland.



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