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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 96

"Are you asking me to kneel?"

"Yes Bernard"

"Is me, your father"

Alexandra chuckles wondering if he was out of his mind. "And so? Who are you? Are you my father? You said you never took me as your daughter"


"Bernard!" She yells back, her eyes filled with rage. "Get on your knees if you want to save your family then maybe I will reconsider keeping you in my house"

Olivia scoffs, this was revenge for Alexandra and she only realized it now.

"Are you out of your mind?" Olivia asks "You are asking Bernard Guerrero, the former Alpha of the Guerrero pack to kneel"

"And what about it? He once told an Alpha candidate to get on her knees so is only right that he also gets on his knees because he is no longer the Alpha"

"Alexandra, you are crossing the line"

"I guess that means you people crossed the line a long time ago right? You either get on your knees or you can live on the street, is your call to make Bernard Guerrero" She smirks while Bernard gazes at her caught between his pride and his family, Alexandra wonders what he was going to choose.

Observing him intently, she could see right through him. Bernard was the kind of man who would choose his pride over saving his family especially when it comes to her, he would never let them win but he hasn't realized that she has already won.

"Which is going to be Bernard?" She paces around, glancing at her wristwatch. "Time is essence and the clock is ticking, tick tock, tick tock"

"You want me to get on my knees"

"The same way you wanted me to kneel for Olivia, is only right you pay the price" she whispers

Bernard chuckles, running his hand across his face. "Do you think I will let you win?"

"Debatable but you're getting too old so you can't even see the truth even when is staring down at you"

"What truth?"

"I already won" she laughs sinisterly "Look at you, I became the Alpha and I have power, what could a frail elderly man like you do to me? I wonder" she pretends to be In thought for a moment "But here's what I'm going to do to you, first I will break your mind, then I will break your bones and finally I will have the pleasure of ending your wretched life!" She states, her eyes filled with contempt.

"You have no idea who Alexandra Guerrero is? You have no idea what I will do to you"

"Fine Alexandra, let us stay and we will do whatever you want"

"Who are you to try and strike a deal with me or haven't you heard that the devil doesn't bargain"

"Alexandra! This is not how an Alpha should act"

"Who are you to teach me what I should or shouldn't do?"

"Your arrogance will be the end of you just watch step-sister" Olivia states causing Alexandra to laugh as if she was any better. Biting her lower lips, Alexandra attempts to say something when her mobile phone rings and she quickly picks it up without taking a glance at the screen. She looks around and realizes Nathaniel was out of nowhere to be found and so was Veronica, a lot of things run through her mind and she turns around, walking away.


As Veronica strides into the study and jams the door, she wouldn't dare let Alexandra have her way, first, it was her mother and now Alexandra was going to take everything away. Everything she had worked so hard to plot was now down the drain and she couldn't let it happen. Everything would have turned out perfectly if Alexandra wasn't in the picture, there lives will be better and she will still be in her mansion, soaring around in all splendor as she floats down the stairs and relaxing by the pool whenever she was tired.

"How dare you Alexandra!" She states aloud "I won't take you to take my life away, I will never leave this house, this is my house! Mine! All of this belongs to me" Veronica yells, her adrenaline rushes up and she quickly pushes the books on the table to the ground, running her hand through her hair, wiping the red lipstick off her lips.

"You are the problem in our lives Alexandra, if you are gone then Adam will be the next Alpha and my Olivia will be the Luna and I will still have my house!"

"I would rather die than watch you steal what belongs to me, this belongs to me! All of this belongs to me, including your life!" She screams, tears brimming down her cheeks but the tears weren't for Alexandra, it was the victory she was about to have as she advanced toward the compartment, pushes it out, takes out a gun, and places a soft kiss on the pistol.

"This is the end of Alexandra Guerrero and our new beginning" Veronica laughs sinisterly, wiping the tears off her cheeks. Imagining the priceless on Alexandra's face when the bullet passes through her body. The pleasure of having to watch her bleed to death will be something that will be glued to her mind for life.

Living with Alexandra has been filled with intense drama and mood swings but Veronica was ecstatic it was going to end at that very moment. Her cheeks flush red and her skin glowed, the glee on her face couldn't be contained as she walked out the door into the hallway.

As she walks through the hallway, memories flood her mind and she runs her fingers on the picture hanging on the wall, Veronica corners the stairs, and hearing Alexandra's voice coming into the living room, she strides into the living room coming in contact with Alexandra talking with someone on the phone.

Veronica yells quickly "Alexandra Guerrero!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Alexandra hangs up and turns around locking eyes with Veronica, she points the gun at her causing her to scoff, her arrogance cast over the room.

"This is the end for you!" Veronica states aloud, attempting to pull the trigger when Nathaniel appears behind, gripping her hand, hits the gun off her hand and it falls to the ground, Veronica scurries off and Nathaniel picks up the pistol.

Alexandra exhales, relieved, she had thought it was her end but wouldn't dare show her fear to any of them.

"Are you okay?" Nathaniel asks, looking at her and seeing her pale she has suddenly become, rushes her and engulfs her tightly.

Chapter 96: Someone's going to die 1

Chapter 96: Someone's going to die 2

Chapter 96: Someone's going to die 3


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