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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 97

Raising her hand, Alexandra quickly jabs the knife into her heart and Veronica dies. "That's for not dying sooner" she mutters

Turning around she locks eyes with Nathaniel who had been watching silently all along. He didn't expect Alexandra to be ruthless and straight forward, he had thought she had forgotten all about it and wouldn't want to take revenge but was stunned seeing her with a knife.

"Do you want to say anything?" Alexandra asks finally breaking the long silence

Looking at her, Nathaniel couldn't bring his lips to move, nor could he form the right words to say to her since he already realized that the relationship between Alexandra and her family wasn't all roses and she was having a hard time at home with them.

"Yes," Nathaniel says

"What is it?"

"Are you alright?"

Taken aback, Alexandra couldn't talk for a moment. She didn't think Nathaniel would still like her after seeing her other side. He hasn't seen her harsh much less taking a life but Veronica pushed her and she doesn't regret her action.

If ever given another chance, she wouldn't hesitate to jab the knife into her body for ruining her life and daring to kill her.

"Yes I am"

"Is that all you wanted to ask?"


Alexandra affirmatively, glancing at what was now Veronica's corpse lying on the ground, she had murdered her and there was no regret since she enjoyed every moment she inflicted pain on her body. Watching Veronica slump to the ground reminded her it was the end but there was still Olivia, Bernard, and Adam to take care of, and sooner than later, they would appear to try to do the same thing Veronica did, and then she wouldn't hesitate to take their lives and she will savor every moment with great relish.

"She's dead" Alexandra turns to Nathaniel

"Are you sure?"

"I killed her Nathaniel and I don't regret it"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know what you must be thinking"

"I'm not thinking anything"

"You are stunned and perhaps you think that am ruthless and harsh"

"I never said so"

"But you thought so" She states aloud

"What are you gaining at?"

"She hurt me and tried to kill me. I would have been dead if you hadn't saved my life"

"You had your revenge"

"You must have thought I should have let her go"

"It never crossed my mind"

"It did Nathaniel but I decided to let her go, she will just come after me the second time and I couldn't let that happen. I don't want to be separated from you but I know that this may change everything"

"What are you saying?"

"Your attitude may not remain because of what you saw I did"

"You are not to decide for me" He walks closer to her, his eyes filled with emotions. What he saw doesn't change anything, Alexandra was now the Alpha and it was her duty to protect herself and her pack else enemies will encroach and try to rip the leadership off her arm.

"I'm not deciding, I'm just –"

"Saying what you would have thought if it was me"

"No, of course not. You are the Alpha Nathaniel and sometimes we don't judge until we know the entire story"

"And that's exactly what I'm doing. Although I don't know much, all I know is that an Alpha needs to protect his position" He engulfs her and Alexandra stays silent, putting his arms around him and embracing him tightly as they stay in each other's arms.


Adam Hawthorn sits on his ottoman wearing his favorite robe, staring into space, he had not been his usual self since he lost to Alexandra and she was announced as the new Alpha. Adam had fled to his home seeking solace while thinking through what his next move will be. Lists in thought when the doorbell rings and Adam groans, he already had a lot on his mind, welcoming another pack member who wants to rub in his face that he lost to Alexandra isn't what he was up for.

He had already chased a lot of his friends away and wouldn't hesitate to chase whoever was standing behind the closed doors trying to invade his privacy.

Striding towards the door, he yanks the door wide open exposing Olivia standing by the door, sweating profusely.

"Olivia, what's wrong?"

Without saying a word, Olivia enters his living room and Adams joins her slamming the door. He reclines in a seat.

"Everything is wrong Adam"


"My mother is dead!" She states causing Adams's eyes to widen.

"What! How?"

"Alexandra happened"

"I don't understand"

"What don't you understand?"

"Everything, I saw your mother the other day and we spoke over the phone yesterday, how could she be dead? Was she sick?"

"My mother was healthy"

"I could imagine, Veronica is a strong woman"

"Was! She's dead" she whispers the latter, tears crowd her eyes and Adam engulfs her.

"Hey is going to be alright"

"Is not! How could my mother be the one to die? Why should she be the one to suffer? Why should she pay?"

"Calm down Olivia"

"Don't tell me to calm down" Olivia states aloud standing up. Her mother was still alive she tells herself until she found out that her mother was now a corpse covered in her blood waiting to throw into the ground.

"I'm sorry alright, is alright to be vexed but is done, your mother is already dead, there is nothing we can do for her"

"This is Alexandra's fault, he is the one to blame for my mother's, is her and no one else. If only she wasn't in our life, if only she wasn't an Alpha then my mother will still be alive"

"Did Alexandra have your mother killed?"

"She killed my mother, I'm sure about that"

"What about your father?"

"He should be at home I don't know, I escaped when I knew my mom was already dead, I only managed to get here"

"How could Alexandra do this by herself?"

"She didn't"

"She had help"

Chapter  97: Who's Dead 1


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