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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 98

Turning around on the bed, the alarm blares and Alexandra stretches her slim body and the cold breeze sinks through her body. Glancing at the wall clock, a smile creeps on her lips and she stands up.

"Today's going to be a good day" she mutters striding towards the mirror, and stares down at her reflection, and the smile fades on her face. Despite ending Veronica's life, Alexandra still wasn't happy, if there was a way to wake her up and kill her every single day, Alexandra was going to do it just to make up for all she passed through. As memories of Veronica flood her mind, she quickly throws a hard punch against the mirror causing it to shatter, and cutting her Knuckles.

"Epic" she whispers, a stern look on her face turns around while walking into her bathroom.

She turns on the shower letting the water pour down on her skin, Nathaniel's face runs through her mind causing her to smile. Realizing how far they have come, Alexandra runs her hand through her hair, biting her lower lips. She couldn't get over the fact that Nathaniel saved her, his words lingers in her head.

"My Nathaniel," she says, her eyes filled with a lot of emotions, she hears his voice whispering in her head that she was his and his alone. Those words may be deep and slightly made her scared but they will forever be glued to her heart and soul, it was the perfect description that he would swim over rivers and oceans, just to be with her and save her.

"From the day I met you, you stirred something in me, my wolf and until this very day you keep stirring up strange feelings, it may not be love but I know is special and a sign that you and you alone are my true mate, Nathaniel"

Turning off the showers, she puts on her robe and steps out imagining Nathaniel sitting on her bed staring at her, the way he use to.

"Come sit with me Alexandra" He smiles and she moves her feet towards him.

"What are you doing here?"

"You sent for me"

"I did right?" She teases him, laughing and he laughs as well, running his hand through her wet hair.

"Is wet"

"I just had a shower"

"What if you had imagined in the shower with you"

"Don't be naughty" she fans her face as it turns red

"I guess you liked it since your face just turned red"

Alexandra stops fanning. "It didn't"

"How are you holding up in this house?"

"I slept like a baby"

"I can imagine" he smiles, never getting tired of staring at her, she was so beautiful and everything he has ever dreamed of. "Thank you for saving me"

"Nathaniel saved you, just his imagination"

"And I thanked him too"

"You don't have to thank me, I'm alright knowing you are happy and he is by your side"

"He is, I just want to be happy today and tomorrow–"

"Think about the rest" Nathaniel states quickly "Veronica is out of the way now but you still have Bernard, Olivia, and Adam to contend with"

"I'm not scared of them" she stands up, folding her arms wondering when this will all be over and she will never have to see their faces ever again.

"I know, you are Alexandra Guerrero, Alpha of the Guerrero pack. You horrifyingly slayed Veronica, so you can take them on"

"They must be plotting something don't you think?" Alexandra placed back and forwards massaging her temples, she couldn't shake off the feeling ever since she couldn't find Olivia.

"Is Olivia Guerrero, she's always plotting"

"I wonder what it is" she hisses, turning to him

"Hey relax" Nathaniel stands up "Whatever it is, I'm sure you will figure it out, and the most important thing is that Nathaniel will be by your side"

"What if he leaves me after seeing the other side of me?"

Nathaniel holds her cheek. "He will never leave you, you already know you are his mate"

"Is been his mate just enough?"

"He likes you"

"What if he starts to see me differently, you saw what I did to Veronica, I would promise that I won't do the same or worse to those three. They ruined my life"

"And he understands, he's not a fool. Nathaniel already knows the type of relationship you have with your family"

"And he is okay with what I did?"

"You are his mate so yes"

"Was I ruthless with Veronica"

"She would have done the same or even worse"

"Yea but I stabbed her in the eyes"

Nathaniel chuckles. "Is already done Alexandra, you can only think of the other three and figure out how to eliminate them for good"

"Olivia must have known her mother is dead which is why she went M.I.A"

"If she ran away, where would she run to?"

"To Adam Hawthorn's house, that is the only place I know she would get a companion to plot her evil deed together

"Who among them has the brain?"

"Adam of course" Olivia having a brain wouldn't be in this lifetime, although she was a beta, Olivia lacked in many and could only rise and climb the ladder because of her parents and Adam.

"Adam has a plotting, twisted and wicked mind whereas Olivia is just a sly fox who warms his bed"

"Wow! You know them" Nathaniel states amazed

Alexandra smiles, attempting to say something when the doorbell blares through the house.

"Expecting a visitor?" He asks

"None except Nathaniel but he shouldn't be here until evening"

Chapter 98: Ashes to Ashes 1


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