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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 23



Chapter 23

"How could you?"



I internationally tell his friend about my wolf, Amber. I’m sure he's going to tell his alpha about me. I am planning my revenge slowly and will deal with him. I’m happy for Ella that she finally met her mate. My biggest worry is my ex-mate. Ella will be living with her mate in the pack. I am so worried. Won’t he hurt her because of me? I was still thinking when my phone rang. I pick up my phone. It is my mother.

"Hello, Mom."

"Hello, baby girl." "How are you?"

I can sense the worry in my mother’s voice. What is wrong? Did she fight with my father?

"Mother, what is wrong with you? I asked her.

"Nothing , baby girl," she responded.

"Mother, something is wrong. "This is not you. You can always tell me anything. "Please, tell me what is wrong with you?

I could hear her sigh over the phone. Something is definitely worrying her, but what could that be?

"Jane, it's about your mate," she stated. "He came here searching for you. He said he is ready to accept you.

"What!" You don't mean it, mother? I ask. "How can he be so shameless?" We are no longer mates.

"I know. He's not good enough for you. Your father told him I knew your whereabouts. He threatened to kill me if I refused to tell him, "she said.

"How dare he! Did you tell him my whereabouts? I ask. "Did he know where I was staying?

"No, I would rather die than tell him where you stay," she utters. I will never allow my daughter to have a mate like him. You will never be happy if you are together with him.

I am blessed to have a mother like her. She always loves and always protects me. He will soon find me even if she refuses to tell him, because Raymond knows where I am staying.

"I won't lie to you, mother. "The alpha king will soon find me because his betta knows where I stay," I respond.

"What? "but how? She asked. "How did he know where you were staying?"

Mom, do you remember Uncle Tommy's beta daughter, Ella? I ask.

"Yes, I do." that beautiful angel, "she said.

"She's Raymond's mate," I let out. "They met each other at the club, and he escorted us home. He drives us home, after all. I'm sure he'll inform his alpha of my whereabouts.

"Don't be afraid, darling. Your mother will be here for you. "I am going to protect you from that monster," she said. I won't allow him to hurt you.

"Thank you, mother. I'm strong enough to protect myself. I won't allow him to hurt me.

"Mother, there is something I have to tell you. I let out: "I killed someone."

"You did what? She screamed. "Who did you kill?" "Why did you commit that?

"Don't you know the implication of that? Your mate will never let you go. You know, he is the alpha king."

Mom was so worried. She never allows me to talk. She kept asking questions.

"I killed him because he was trying to molest me at the club," I told her.

"Who is he? Which pack did he belong to? She questions.

"He is an alpha. "Alpha Jason," I said in response.

My mom went silent. "Mother, are you there? Can you hear me?

"Yes, I can. "I can hear you, my daughter," she said. "I'm just thinking: what kind of trouble do we land ourselves in? This is an alpha we are talking about, Jane. You killed an alpha?

"Mother, is that serious? I asked her. She scared me.

"This is serious, Jane’ "Who is going to protect you from being punished or being hunted down? Your ex-mate will be the judge. He will be the one to question you." she said. "If I know this has happened, I will never treat him the way i did last night." For goodness sake, you are my only child. I don't want to lose you.

My mother started crying. I tried to calm her down, but she's not listening.

I should never have killed him. Who is going to believe me that I was only trying to protect myself from him. If I knew this was going to cause my family some problems, I wouldn't have killed him.

"Mother, I can protect myself," I replied. "Stop worrying yourself.

"I have to tell your father about this," she stated. "I have to inform him.

I told her, "You can do anything you like, mom."

After talking to my mother. I keep thinking about what she told me. My mother seems very frightened. Will I be killed? Will they hurt me because I was protecting myself from him? I hate these damn werewolves' rules. It only favors the strong, not the weak. No one is going to hunt him down if he kills me instead. I fucking hate it. I will never bow to the rules. My life, my rules.

"That's it, girl," our life , our rules, "Amber said. I never regret what you did. I am so proud of you, girl.

I was still talking to Amber when Ella and Amira rushed into my room. I jumped up. "Hey, what is wrong? Who is running after you?

"Jane, there is trouble," Amira screams. 

"What trouble are you talking about?" I ask. "Tell me."

"They are looking for you," Ella said. "Alpha tommy pack betta is looking for you. They want revenge. Blood for blood.

"I regret dragging you to the club. I brought this trouble upon you" Amira sobbed. "I caused all this that is happening.


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