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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 24



You will be punished for cheating on me, bitch.



Jane’s point of view..

"What? What did you just say? The alpha king is on his way here? I ask, dropping the clothes in my hand on the floor.

"I’m so sorry, Jane," Ella whispered. Raymond tells the alpha where you are staying.

I can’t call him a betrayer. I am not his friend. I know that sooner or later he is going to tell him since he is his alpha. 

"I’m not angry. I know it’s going to happen. I never knew it was going to happen so fast.

"I don’t think we should worry ourselves too much," Amira says. "My father is going to protect you. We are all going to protect you because you are our family.

"Meeting him is something I want so badly. I can have my revenge on him, but I never wanted it like this. I met him just because I killed an alpha who tried to molest me.

"Here, Jane, your phone is ringing." Amira passes my phone to me.

I am not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Pick up your calls," Ella said.

I check to see who the caller is, only to find out it's my father.I guess my mother must have told him everything.

"Hello, dad," I picked up, only for my father to scream at me over the phone.

"You bastard child. You never make me happy, but at least you didn’t bring trouble to me when you had no wolf. Now I am in a hot situation because of your mannerless behavior. You even dare to kill an alpha? "What the hell is wrong with your brain, bitch? He screams over the phone.

I stay silent without uttering a word. My father keeps insulting me.

"Are you not a bitch? "Why did you leave the pack for the club? He yells. Now you are causing trouble and intend to drag me and my mate into your mess. Your mother has been helpless and crying her soul out just because of you. "Don't think you can dare drag me into your shitty mess. You won't succeed. My advice for you is to beg that mate of yours to accept you or else carry your cross by yourself. "Did I make myself clear? Do you understand me?

After what felt like an hour of raining insults on me, he finally cut the call. Wow! Is this how I should be treated by my biological father? Did I do anything wrong to him in any way? Why the hate? Why do you hate me so much?

"I can’t believe what I just heard from your father," Amira mumbles. Jane, are you sure he is your real father?

"How can he be so heartless? "He did not deserve to be a father," Ella let out. I could never believe your father could say this to you. I am sorry you have a worthless father like him. He didn’t deserve a wonderful daughter like you.

I keep staring at my phone. Why? Why am i being treated like this? Why, father? I have never wanted an explanation as badly as I want it right now. I want to ask my father what i did wrong to deserve all this ill treatment from him.

"He did not deserve a drop of tears from you," Amira said. Do not shed a tear for him. I don’t think he is your father.

I sigh before letting out, "He’s my dad. The one I have known my entire life. I am sure he is my biological father. My mother never introduced me to another father.

"We should stop talking about him," Ella said. Let's focus on the issue we are about to face. "Is the alpha king coming here to arrest you himself? Did he hate you so much that he wanted you dead? What a horrible king. He doesn't deserve to be the werewolf king.


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