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The Rejected Luna's Revenge (Emerald and Xavier) novel Chapter 1


My eyes widened in fear as I walked into the room to see the Alpha's father in the pool of his own blood my lips quivered in pannick and my hands shook in fear as I bent down and tried to wake him up.

Carlos the Alpha's father had been nothing but nice to me and seeing him like that freaked the living day lights out of me .

"Mr Carlos! Oh my goodness!! help! Somebody help me!" I screamed as his blood stained my white dress .

"Father " I heard his strong voice behind me and froze.

" Xavier... he. .he. ...." I stuttered out as my voice broke at the edge Xavier stared at me without any single emotion in his beautiful ocean colored eyes.

"What did you do to him Emerald ?" he asked in disbelief as his eyes moved over to his lifeless father on the floor I stood up from the floor in shock as my heart squeezed in pain from his ruthless accusation.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my hands went over to my baby bump which was already due, my delivery date was just around the corner and all of this was stressing me badly.

"So it is true" his eyes are full of hatred and my heart beat crazily against my chest.

"Xavier I don't understand what is going on?? am confused, trust me I will not do anything to hurt your father" I said and he moved backwards.

" No why would you even say something like that, why would you accuse me wrong Carlos is like a father to me Xavier you know I would never do anything to hurt your father he called for my presence I just got here and met him lying in the pool of his blood" I said trying to hold his large hands in mine but he took some steps away from me.

" Xav ...." I trailed in hurt.

"How could you Emerald? I gave you everything you ever wanted, I loved you and had plans on marking you and making you the next Luna" He shouted, his eyes flashed In hurt.

"How could you even think for a second that I could kill your own father Xavier ?" I asked as my voice broke at the edge. Everything felt like a nightmare at that moment my hands were sweaty and the burn in my chest grew worse.

"Lina saw you!" he snapped coldly.

At that moment I realized that the man standing in front of me was nothing like the sweet loving man I fell in love with or maybe all of that was just a facade to get to me.

"Did you even love me Xavier!! " I cried out as tears rolled out of my eyes .

"At this moment loving and having anything to do with a murderer like you is making me sick I gave you a life Emerald, no one liked you in the pack it was my word against the rest of them I had plans for us but you betrayed me thinking it was right to end my father's life" he said in one go and I hugged my self.

"I did not kill him I swear, I would never do something like that ... " I trailed off in hurt.

"I saw you kill him myself Emerald" Lina said as she smirked in my direction.

"Xavier" I tried to go close but he moved backwards in anger .

"Call the soldiers" he said and I stared at him in shock.

"Xavier please. I'm bearing your baby!" I cried as my heart pounded crazily against my chest.

"Take this woman out of the pack house" he said and my eyes widened in pannick as I cried.

Chapter 1 1


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