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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2282

"There is a myriad of fiends in the blood world. If you kill them, they'll turn into spirited grass and herbs, even valuable martial arts and skills. This is the Divine Void Slope giving you a chance," the hoarse voice continued saying before Fane could recover from his initial shock.

Upon hearing that, everyone who had come to the blood world perked up in an instant. They were wondering earlier why they were sent to this level, and what was the point of going to the foot of Netherworld Mountain with those three men.

Their doubts were answered.

The hoarse voice announced again, "You're now standing at a hundred and twenty miles away from Netherworld Mountain. The closer you are to the mountain, the more powerful the fiends are, and the number of fiends who were able to turn into treasures will become rarer."

The words from the mysterious being were like a dose of stimulant that roused the crowd with motivation and high spirits. Ever since they stepped into Divine Void Slope, they encountered and witnessed nothing but failure after failure; they had not been able to achieve anything for themselves.

The countless treasures were only gifted to the champions, and there was nothing for them but to

drool in envy. The fact that there was finally a chance for them to gain something had naturally thrilled them.

Plenty of them were eager to dive right in, fantasizing the possibilities of killing tens of thousands of fiends and attaining limitless treasures and precious martial skills.

Fane, on the other hand, was not thinking of the treasures he might get from killing fiends. The owner of the hoarse voice had clearly stated that the closer they got to Netherworld Mountain, the levels and powers of the fiends would become greater.

Their mission was to get to the foot of Netherworld Mountain, and by the time they arrived, they would be facing fiends of unimaginable power. As expected, the difficulties of each level escalated quickly.


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