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The Supreme Man: Took Everything in Power novel Chapter 282

Thinking of this, Felix knelt on the ground with a thud and begged Kingsley for mercy. "Mr. Nicholson... Mr. Nicholson, I know that I was wrong! I will do anything! Just go easy on me. I will really do anything!"

When Kingsley's expression seemed unmoved, Felix hurriedly continued, "I know all the evil things the Spearhead Group has done! I have evidence for how they evade taxes and kill the innocent!"

Tyler thought he almost had a heart attack upon hearing Felix.

"Mr. Smith, what are you talking about?! Is ruining the Spearhead Group beneficial to you in any way?!"

"Young Master Tyler, there is nothing more important than my life!" Felix's face was extremely pale. "You are an arrogant man, and now you have finally hit a stumbling block! I don't want to die, though!"

Kingsley looked coldly at Felix, who knelt on the ground.

"Leave the talk about the Spearhead Group for another time. Let me ask you—who was the last person who bought explosives from you?"

"1-1 don't know that person either!" Felix's face had turned completely white at this point. "He couldn't possibly have used his real identity to do this kind of transaction. I am sure Mr. Houston isn't really Mr. Houston too, right?" he blabbered.

Hearing that, Kingsley let out a small frown. He could tell that Felix was not lying.

The previous buyer only bought a box of explosives?

Kingsley thought to himself. They couldn't impossibly blow up the Nicholson Family Cemetery into ruins with just that. Am I heading in the wrong direction?

When Felix noticed how Kingsley's face turned darker after he said that, he quickly added, "But that person bought Mr. Field's contact information at a high price! Mr. Field... is the one who sold the explosives to the Spearhead Group! He must be trying to bypass us and buy a bigger amount of explosives directly from Mr. Field! Mr. Field might know the identity of the buyer!

Kingsley's eyes immediately lit up when he heard this.

I am on the right track after all! I just haven't followed the smoke enough to know where the fire is.

However, Tyler, who had been listening to Felix's one-sided rambling, turned to look at Felix with a confused expression on his face. "Mr. Smith, how can you give the buyer Mr. Field's contact information? How are we supposed to make money if they bypassed us to directly trade with Mr. Field?!"

"Young Master Tyler, since the situation has come to this, there is no point in me hiding the truth anymore." Felix then unhesitantly confessed, "I can earn a commission of 20 thousand to 30 thousand every time the company does a one-million business. The buyer directly offered 500 thousand for me to buy Mr. Field's contact information. I couldn't possibly not sell it! How often do you think we can sell 30 million in arms in a small place like Cleapolis? There was no way I would spit out the 500 thousand they sent my way."

"You a*shole!" Tyler's face was ashen with anger as he yelled, "You selfish b*stard!"


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